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We somehow made it back to Minnesota. I dont remember much of the plane ride. Or the drive back to my house. When i got back to my house i changed into some pajamas and went to sleep.


2 years have passed. i have not seen or talked to any of my family. Pietro and i broke things off because of everything. I sent the ring back and that was that. I still live in Minnesota. I was woken up by my phone ringing. I groaned and answered it.

"Hello?" i asked

"Agent Stark we need you" Fury said.

"Im getting major deja vu" i groaned

"Just get on a plane and get back to New York" he said.

"Ok roger that" i said and hung up. I got up and got dressed. Oh i died my hair blonde.

i grabbed my phone and was out the door back to New York

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i grabbed my phone and was out the door back to New York.

2 hours later.

I got off the plane and was in a taxi. I popped in a piece of gum and told the driver my address i needed to be at. A shield building started by him and agent Hill. the car stopped and i paid the driver and got out. I stood in front of the building and stared at it for awhile. i walked in and got to the front desk.

"Name?" The lady asked rudely

"Stella Stark" i said and her face dropped.

"Of course Miss Stark. Heres your badge. Furys office is on the second floor" he said. i nodded and walked off to the stairs. I made it to the second floor and to his office. To get in there was a thumb print scanner. I put mine in

"Welcome Stella Stark" It said and the door opened

"Hey Fury" i said smiling.

"Stella sit please" he said and i did.

"I heard you have some ice powers. I well we need your help" He said

"Who's we?" i asked

"The Avengers. Loki is back" he said and i groaned.

"I got out of this. But explain the case" i said. He threw a file on the desk. I picked it up and looked at it. My eyes widened.

"Wait first red skull is alive and hes teaming up with Loki?" i asked and he nodded.

"Were screwed!" i groaned

"So you will help?" he asked. I put my hand on my stomach.

"I suppose" i said. I stood up from the chair.

"Good you have always been one of the best. Were all meeting in 5 so do whatever you want to make your self known" Fury said and i smiled. He walked out of the room and i took those 5 minutes to think of a way. Finally i thought of it. I got up and walked to the room. No one noticed me so i stood leaning against the door frame.

"Well look at that Loki's being a bitch once again and it seems hes got a little friend" i said smirking.

"History's a bitch" i said blowing a bubble with my gum. Everyone looked at me shocked.

"So Fury whats our game plan?" i asked sitting in one of the chairs.

"Well we dont have one yet" he said and i sat there shocked.

"what do you mean you dont have a plan?" i asked.

"Just like i said we have no plan" fury said.

"So let me get this straight you dragged me out of bed. Put me on a plane. Brought me to New York. Told me i need to help you all and you don't even have a plan? fan-fucking-tastic" i said sighing. Everyone sat there for a second till my phone started ringing.

"Stella do not walk out that door" Fury said to me

"Where do you suppose i answer my phone then?" I asked.

"in here" he said. I rolled my eyes and put my phone to my ear.

"Hey Babe" i said

"Hey Stella where are you" He asked.

"Uh im in New York" i said putting my hand on my forehead.

"Why? Are you alright?" Zeke asked

"Ive got work things and yes were both fine" I said smiling

"Alright I love you" he said

"I love you to" i said and hung up. I put my phone away and looked up to everyone staring. Pietro looked sad.

"What?" i asked confused raising an eyebrow.

"Nothing your just seem more mature now" Tony said

"Yeah well i guess that happens to you when you get ch- you know what never mind" i said glancing up at Pietro. Wanda gasped. She read my mind.

"Nope stella finish the sentence" Nat said.

"I said thats what happens when you get cheated on by your one true love" i said looking down.

"Pietro you son of a bitch" Tony said

"So thats why you guys broke up" Alex said and i nodded.

"Its fine now. I found someone i love and he loves me and were expecting and living together and i have a good job and i was so happy" I said.

"I'm sorry what did you say?" Clint asked.

"I found someone I love...." I raised an eyebrow.

"No after that" Tony said.

"And we're living together" I said.

"No before that" Bruce spoke up.

"Ohhh That Yeah were expecting" I said smiling. Everyone stood there staring.

"Alrighty so I'm just gonna go then" I said standing up. I walked out of the room and made my way down to the cafeteria. I got a salad and sat down. I started eating it.

"Can I sit?" Someone asked. I looked up to see tony. I smiled at him and nodded. We talked while I ate my salad. After we headed upstairs to where everyone is and staying.

"I can't do it" I said to everyone.

"Can't do what Draga?" Pietro asked and I shook my head.

"This. I got out for a reason. Sure that reason isn't trying to kill me anymore but this is! Pietro I love you. It's killing me to even be in the same room as you. You were my one in 5 billion. The one I trusted with my life and when I went away to get away from the people trying to kill me you slept with someone else. Now do you know how much that hurts?" I asked my voice cracking.

"I don't think you do" I said sniffling.

"So I'm sorry I can't help you with this. I would but I've got a family" I said.

"We were you're family" Pietro said.

"Yeah Were. Tony and Adeline still are but I don't even know you anymore. You went from the guy I was deeply in love with and was about to spend the rest of my life with to someone I'm deeply in love with but is just lonely and broken. I've gotta head back home. I'll see you guys" I said and walked out.

Stella StarkWhere stories live. Discover now