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I sat around with everyone laughing and catching up.

"Неужели они делали что-то глупое, когда меня не было?" I asked turning to Clint and Tasha. Everybody looked shocked.

"они всегда делают что-то глупое, когда вы ушли" Tasha said and Stella let out a laugh.

"когда Пьетро встретил девушку?" Stella asked.

"через шесть месяцев после того, как вы" Bucky said.

"ой. Она хороша?" I asked.

"ты лучше" Tasha said.

"хорошо пьетро заслуживает лучшего" I said.

"ты уверенная кукла?" Bucky asked.

"нет, они оба могут пойти в ад" I said and all 3 of us laughed.

"когда вы изучали русский язык?" Tasha asked.

"когда они обучили меня" I said

"je connais aussi le français" I said.

"De quoi parliez-vous en russe?" Steve asked

"à propos de Pietro et sa fille" I said smiling. Steve let out a laugh.

"I also know Romanian" I said smiling.

"timpul petrecut acolo a fost teribil" I said sighing.

"Jeg ville at dere skulle redde meg" I said in Norwegian.

"et omnes linguae doctissimus" I said in Latin. Tasha looked up to me.

"von Menschen zu töten ...." I said as a tear streamed down my face.

"я убил так много людей, я не прощаю себя" I said looking at Tasha and Bucky. Tears freely streamed down my face.

"Uh Im gonna go down to the um training room" I said and walked out.


Stella walked out crying.

"Friday translate what she was saying" Tony said.

"It seems that Miss.Stark was saying '
Did they do something stupid when I was gone?' Tasha answered with 'they always do something stupid when you are gone' Stella then said 'When did Pietro meet a girl?' Mr.Barnes then said 'six months after you" Miss Stark responds with 'Oh. Is she good?' Then Tasha responds 'You are better' Miss Stark then said 'well pietro deserves better than me' Bucky then asked 'are you sure doll?" Then Miss Stark responds with 'no they both can go to hell' then Tasha asked 'when you studied russian language" Miss Stark then goes 'when they taught me' she moves on from Russian to French 'I also know French' she said. Then Mr.Rogers continued 'What were you talking about in Russian?' Miss Stark responds 'about Pietro and his girl' she then goes to say 'the time spent there was terrible. I wanted you to save me. all language learning is from killing people. I killed so many people, I do not forgive myself.  That sir, is the last thing she said" Friday said.

Stella StarkWhere stories live. Discover now