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The rest of that day we all spent training. I didn't sleep a lot that night. I'm so used to a full bed that i can't even sleep alone. I couldn't get Tony cause i didn't wanna wake him or Pepper. I only got about 2 hours of sleep. I woke up and got ready for the day. The Twins birthday. One of my favorite days.

I put my hair up in a pony and put some make up on

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I put my hair up in a pony and put some make up on. I walked out of my room and headed down to the kitchen. I pulled out some pans and everything to make breakfast. I made some bacon and put it on the plates. Tony walked into the kitchen and i grabbed some coffee. He reached for some bacon.

"No! not yet" I said laughing.

"How did you sleep?" He asked.

"Fine" I said. He pulled his hand away and kissed the side of my head. Everyone else came back down but the twins still must be asleep.

"I'm gonna go wake the kids up" I said putting there plates on the table

"Don't touch there food!" I said pointing to Alex. He looked offended. I walked up to there room and knocked on the door. I opened there door and they were still asleep.

"Jewels, Toni you have to wake up" I said. Toni groaned and Jewels sat up and rubbed her eyes.

"Good morning mom" Jewels said.

"Happy birthday you two!" I said. Toni jumped up.

"Did you make it?" He asked and i nodded. They both hopped up and hugged me.

"Thank you mama" Jewels said.

"Yeah thanks ma" Toni said and i smiled.

"Your welcome. Now come lets go have breakfast" I said. They both walked out in front of me and i closed there door behind us. I ruffled Toni's hair and Jewels grabbed my hand. We walked out to the kitchen and they ran to the table they started digging into there food.

"Happy Birthday kiddo's!" Tony and Addie said.

"Thanks Uncle Tony and Addie" Jewels said with a mouth full of food.

"Where's dad?" Toni asked confused.

"Uh he says happy birthday and he loves you guys" i said.

"So he's not coming?" Jewels asked.

"Uh no he's not" I said.

"And your not wearing your wedding ring" Toni pointed out.

"Mom what's going on?" Jewels asked dropping her fork on her plate.

"Nothing sweetie. Continue eating" i said.

"Ma don't lie to us" Jewel's said.

"Why would i lie?" i asked with a chuckle.

"Mom! Where's dad and whats going on? We haven't been told anything and we should get to know! He's our father!" Juliette said

"You wanna know whats going on Juliette? You're father beat the shit out of me! He broke my nose, broke a couple ribs and gave me a black eye. He said he hated me so i broke things off for awhile. I gave back my ring! Pietro Maximoff and i are over! I can't take it. i'm terrified of him. I shouldn't be terrified of my husband" I yelled at her standing up with tears in my eyes.

"There i said it. I, Stella Stark am terrified of my husband Pietro Maximoff and i want a divorce" I said and walked out of the kitchen.


Everyone sat there silent after she walked out of the room.

"Nice job Juliette. Now mom and dad are getting a divorce" Toni said.

"It's not my fault! Maybe if she wasn't a Stark-" She was cut off by Addie.

"Uh Jewels, Toni why don't you guys head to the car and we will go explore New York" Addie said

"You guys can go. I think i'm gonna stay here" Toni said to her.

"But Toni we've spent every birthday together since we were born" Jewel's said to him.

"Yeah well all of the other birthday you weren't a bitch to mom" Toni said to her.

"But Toni..." she said.

"No! i don't know what the hell is wrong with you right now but you've gotta fucking stop. Got it? I love you Jewels but when your treating mom like that i don't like you that much. I don't wanna spend this birthday with you" He said clearly angry.

"Well when you realize that the problem is mom text me and we will meet up" she said

"Woah she's still my sister!" Tony spoke up.

"Why can't you get it through your mind?! Dad beat mom up! Dad broke some of her bones! Mom has every right to divorce dad because he laid a hand on her! So have fun with Addie and Vivian" Toni said. She was at a loss of words.

"C'mon Juliette" Vivian said and Jewels followed Addie and her out.

"Uh I'm sorry for my sister and mom" Toni said to the avengers.

"It's alright. It's not you're fault. What Juliette said was kinda harsh" Clint said

"You know after 15 years and 3 kids mom and dad still went on dates all of the time. Dad would always look at mom with a little smile. Mom was always laughing or smiling around dad. Never in a million years did I think this would happen" Toni said.

"Everything happens for a reason kid. Maybe... I cannot believe I'm gonna say this but maybe Pietro wasn't Stella's true love. Maybe her true love is still out there" Alex said.

"I don't think so. They loved each other but things happen" Tony said.

"Yeah, I'm gonna check on mom. I'll be back" he said. Toni walked to moms room and walked through the door. She was laying on her bed.

"Hey I'm sorry I ruined you're birthday" She said to him.

"You didn't ruin it. If anything Jewels did" Toni said.

"I love you kid" She said

"I love you too mom" he said.

"Happy Birthday"

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