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Stella's POV

I woke up at the fucking crack of dawn. Supposedly the Avengers quit teaching and they got new teachers. Ok.... I got dressed and put my hair in a ponytail.

I grabbed my purse and phone and headed down to the kitchen where everyone is

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I grabbed my purse and phone and headed down to the kitchen where everyone is.

"Good morning my family" I said with a chuckle.

"Stells" Pietro said and gave me a kiss.

"How about April 14th for the wedding?" Pietro said and I choked on my drink.

"Seriously?" I asked.

"Yeah. Whenever we get close something bad happens" he said and I smiled.

"I'd love that" I said. I looked at the time and my eyes widened.

"I've gotta get to Shield will you all be there today except you Addie" I said.

"Yeah we're gonna be there" tony said. I nodded and left. I got in my car and blasted some music. After about 20 minutes I arrived at the building. I went inside.

"Miss.Stark you can go in. Go to fury's office" the front desk lady said and I nodded. I went up to his office and all that was in there was a desk.

"Stella in an hour I have to officiate you into Shield so that's in the auditorium that we have here" he said as i sat in the desk chair.

"Ok. Easy enough" I said picking up a pen.

An hour later

We're in the the auditorium and everyone who works here plus the Avengers were in the crowd. I was backstage. Fury walked up to me gave a small smile and walked out onstage.

"Hello everyone. You all know who I am. I've been the director for a long time, but today I'm announcing my retirement." He said and everyone gasped.

"I'd like to announce the new director. I'm so honored to know this person and this person deserves it for everything she's done. Everyone meet the new director" Fury said. I walked out and everyone gasped. I smirked and walked up to fury.

"Everyone Stella Stark" he said. I went to the podium,

"Hello. I know what you're all thinking 'wait didn't she like die' and yes technically I did die. My body or something was kidnaped by the same people who 'killed me' I have no idea what happened after or how they brought me back but I'm so damn ready to be the new director. It's gonna suck that Fury won't be thae boss. He has been the director for as long as I can remember. He's been there for everything with me. My parents dying, my brother getting kidnaped. I'm pretty sure he was tracking me all of the times I moved away. He was there when my fiancé and friends went on the run. He was there during Sokovia. He will be missed. But I'm here now and I wanna be there for you guys just like he was there for me, so if you guys ever need me don't be scared to come to me. I won't bite" I said smirking and taking a step back. Everyone started clapping and I turned to fury.

"Thank god they don't all hate me" I said laughing. I went back up to the microphone.

"You all can get back to work now" I said. I walked off stage and went back to my office. I plopped in the chair and the phone started ringing. I put it up to my ear.

"Stark here" I said. Oof I've gotta think that through.

"Uh your brother is here" the lady said.

"Why didn't you send him in? He's an Avenger and this is Shield" I said.

"All of the Avengers need new badges" she said.

"I'll get right on that. Send him in" I said. I sat back in the chair. A couple minutes later Tony walked in.

"Hey Tony, what brings you in here right now?" I asked.

"Well I wanted to see my sister and I wanna talk about Stark industry's" he said.

"Ok what's up?"I asked

"Do you still want your part of Stark industry's?" He asked

"Yeah why wouldn't I?" I asked

"Well you're new director or Shield and everything"he said.

"I can manage it" I said. My phone started ringing. I answered it and put it up to my ear.

"Hello?" I asked.

"Is this Stella Stark?" The person asked.

"Yes" I said

"Hi I'm the principal at midtown high school. You're daughter Adeline got in a fight. She's suspended for the rest of the week. I need someone to pick her up" the person said and I sighed.

"Alright someone will be right there" i said and hung up.

"What was that?" Tony asked.

"Addie got in a fight and got suspended. Can you pick her up and bring her here? I have things to do please?" I asked

"Yeah of course" Tony said.

"Thank you" I said.

"Anytime, I love you Stella" he said smiling at me and I smiled back.

"I love you to Tony" I said and he walked out. The rest of the Avengers should be in the training room. I walked out of my office locking the door behind me. I walked down to the training room and pietro and Clint were fighting.

"Congratulations Stells" Alex said. I turned to him and smiled.

"Thank you." I said. I walked up to the ring and got in. Pietro smirked and stood back. Clint put his fist up. I grabbed it and flipped him.

"That is how it's done" I said

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"That is how it's done" I said. The rest of the Avengers laughed and clapped.

"Anyways Pietro i need you" I said giving him a look. He nodded.

"Lead the way draga" he said. I grabbed his hand as we got out of the ring.

"We will be back" I said. We headed to my office and I walked in unlocking my door.

"So what's up?" He asked.

"Addie got in a fight and got suspended. Tony's picking her up right now" I said sighing.

"That's not like her..." he said.

"I know I'm not sure what's going on."I said.

"What are we gonna do?" He asked

"I don't know" I said. He pulled me into a hug and kissed my forehead. The door opened and in walked Tony and Addie.

"So. What happened?" I asked leaning against my desk.

"They were saying how terrible you are as an avenger. I had to do something" she said.

"Ok bud I've still gotta punish you" I said.

"That's only fair" Addie said.

"Go to the training room and train with nat and Clint all day" I said pushing off the desk.

"Ok. See ya later" she said and I nodded.

"So... Pietro lunch?"

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