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"Where are we going Draga?" Pietro asked

"To Scotland" I said.

Stella's POV
I sent Adeline with Tony for awhile while I go off to Scotland. I walked to the jet and found Mike.

"Hey Mike can you help me?" I asked.

"What's up Stella?" He asked.

"I need to borrow the jet. I'll obviously fly it back" I said nervously.

"Uh sure. When?" He asked.

"Be our of this area in 10?" I asked.

"You've got it stells" he said. I let out the air I didn't know I had. I walked back to my office and scanned my key card. I walked in and smiled.

"We're leaving in 10" I said and smiled. Pietro smiled to me. I grabbed a bunch of paperwork and was on my phone for a little while. I put my phone away after.

"Alright c'mon" I said and sighed. I snuck them all to the jet no one noticed which was cool. Once we were all situated I started the jet and took off. We got into the air and I put it on auto pilot. I walked back to where everyone was and plopped down on the seat next to Pietro.

"What's wrong Draga?" He asked.

"I miss Adeline" I said. I snuggled into Pietro's side we all talked for awhile and everyone except for me. I let them sleep the whole way there. I landed the jet in the backyard cause the house was in the middle of nowhere.

"Guys were here wake up" I said to them. After a couple minutes they all were finally up.

"Ready?" Steve asked. I nodded and opened the back.

"Ready" I said. Pietro grabbed my hand and we all walked to the house. It was a big house. 7 rooms 6 bathrooms, full kitchen, downstairs.

"Woah this is wonderful" Wanda said. I went and unlocked the door.

"Welcome to you're new house for the next couple of years" I said smiling as everyone be walked in.

"So Pietro you can stay in my room. I'll bring you. Everyone else chose you're rooms. I'll have my assistant bring you guys food every 2 weeks. C'mon Pietro" I said and me followed me. We walked upstairs to the biggest bedroom that I sleep in when I stay here.

"Here we are" I said opening the door.

"This is more then enough princesa" he said pulling me inside. He started kissing my neck.

"Babe I can't do this now" I said pulling away.

"I'm sorry princesa" he said.

"Hey it's alright. It's all good" I said smiling to him.

"We should uh head downstairs" I said giving a small smile. He dropped his bag and picked me up bridal style. He ran downstairs to everyone else.

"Well that was fun" I said giggling.

"Thank you Stella. For doing this for us" Steve said.

"It's the least I can do" I said smiling.

"You're nothing like you're brother" Scott said.

"Why do you say that?" I asked

"You're really nice. His ego is too big" Scott said.

"True though. Anyways I've gotta get back to my daughter" I said walking to the door. Pietro ran to me and pulled me into a hug.

"I'll try and visit as much as I can but trying to get away from Tony will be pretty hard" I said laughing. He pulled me into a kiss.

"Damnit. Leaving just got 5 times harder" I said groaning.

"You've gotta Draga. Adeline will need you" he said hugging me.

"I know"  I said sighing.

"We can talk on the phone" he said.

"And FaceTime. I'll try my best to keep up with it" I said.

"We will see each other soon" he said smiling then gave me a kiss.

"Alrighty bye Steve bye Wanda bye Clint bye Scott bye Nat bye Pietro I love you" I said.

"I love you too princesa" he said. I put my heels back on and made my way to the jet.

Stella StarkWhere stories live. Discover now