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3rd person POV (past)

They fell to the hard concrete and groaned.

"Everyone alright?" Steve asked standing up.

"Yeah. Just a couple broken bones" Addie said standing up and Tony chuckled. They stood up and dusted the dirt off. Stella came running down.

"You're back!" She said. She quickly put what she was holding behind her back.

"Where did you go?"She asked.

"The future" Tony spoke up and she looked shocked.

"What's behind you're back?" Clint asked crossing his arms.

"Pfft nothing...." she said clearly lying.

"Stella, Sweetie, we've been best friends since 5th grade.... I known when your lying. So does everyone else here In this room which is all your family." He said.

"Well I could always make a run for it" she said.

"You're husband has super speed" Tony said and Pietro smirked.

"Cmon Stells just tell us what's behind your back. It's that easy" Bruce said.

"Stella we wanna know" Wanda said. Stella rolled her eyes. She turned around and ran up the stairs.

"Get her!" Tony yelled. They ran up the stairs and saw here sitting on the couch.

"Draga at least tell me" he said and she smirked. She stood up and pulled out the pregnancy test out of her back pocket.

"I'm pregnant" she said smiling. She threw the test to pietro and he looked at it smiling. Pietro walked over to her and kissed her.

"We're having a baby Pietro." She whispered into her ear.

"Actually Stella, You're having twins" Tony spoke up.

"That's Uh how do you know?" She asked.

"The twins that came back from the future were the twins you're pregnant with right now" Tony said. She stared at him shocked.

"Ok well uh I've gotta get to work" she said. She walked off to her room and started getting ready fo the day.

Stella's POV

I walked to Pietro and i's room shocked. I quickly threw some work clothed on and put my hair in a bun.

 I quickly threw some work clothed on and put my hair in a bun

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I grabbed my phone and my bag and walked out of the room. I walked back into the kitchen where everyone was and grabbed some coffee. I didn't say anything to anyone cause i was still shocked.

"I'm going to Shield. I'll see you all sometime today" I said. I grabbed my keys and gave Pietro a kiss. I went down to my car, got in and sped off. I got to Shield and walked in. I swiped my card and walked to my office. When I got there I threw my purse on the couch and grabbed my phone. I connected it to the speaker and started listening to music. I did paperwork for a couple hours.

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