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I woke up from Jarvis waking me up telling me it's Stella's Funeral. I sighed and stood up. I saw my suit laid out on the chair in here. I got ready and walked out. I went over to Addy's room and knocked on the door.

"Adeline sweetie are you awake?" I asked. She opened the door and stood there in a black dress her hair in a tight bun with a few loose strands in the front and some makeup and black heels.

"Yeah. I'm ready" she said. She grabbed her little purse and her phone and walked out of her room shutting the door behind herself. We walked to the main room where everyone was.

"Addy you look beautiful" Pietro said.

"She looks like a young Stella" Clint said smiling a little.

"She does. We should get going" Nat said. I nodded.

"Come on Stella- I mean Adeline" I said sighing. She grabbed my hand.

"We will meet you guys there" Steve said.

"Alright" I said. Addy and I went out to the limo and got in. The ride there was silent.

"We're here Tony" Happy said to me?

"You ready Stella?" I asked her

"No. Your never ready to bury a parent but we should get out to get it over with" she said.

"Yeah come on sweetie" I said to her. We got out and the pap started taking our photos. Can't they give us a break.

"Keep your head down Addy" I said pulling her into my arm. We got inside and the Avengers were waiting there for us. A lot of people were already there but we were in the gathering room.

"Is she in there?" I asked them.

"Yeah. Everyones in there. we were waiting for you guys to go in" Steve said

"Thanks" Addy said hugging Pietro

"Anytime kid" Steve said to her.

"Its about to start. We can go see her body before" Bucky said and i nodded.

"Cmon lets go in" i said. We walked through the doors and there were a lot of people there. My eyes found the casket. We all walked up to the front row.

"Tony and Addy can go see her first" Pietro said. I looked at Addy and sighed. We walked out of the pew and to the front. She looked peaceful and beautiful. Addy broke down crying. Pepper helped her back to the chair and i stood in front of the casket.

"Im sorry i let you down Stella. I didn't mean to" i said. I walked back to the pew and Nick Fury walked to the front to say some things.

"The Avengers all film videos in case something like this happens. We have hers to play here today" Fury said.

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