Chapter 7

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Thomas took the shovel and started digging. The other farmers started working and I started wrapping the loose vines around the wood to help them grow up and taller. "Do you really think Ben got a head start" asked Thomas as he digged. "Probably, where else would he have been" I asked tying some vines around the wood. "If not he probably got lost on his way to the bathroom" a farmer joked. We laughed a little. "But what if he didn't enter the maze" asked Thomas. "Well he can't be lost cause the runners don't get lost but I'm sure he is fine. I mean he couldn't of got stung or anything" I said. We kept working in silence. I admit it's weird that Ben is missing but he's Ben. He'll be fine. I mean he couldn't of gone any way important but if he does find something thing Thomas and I will have to kill him before he shows the other runners. Plus it would also have to look like a accident or something that can't be traced back to us. I took my sweater off and tied it around my waist. 

Thomas finished digging the whole so I had him dig more and the builders started building more growing poles to grow food on. I continued tying some vines and then picked some fruit. "Hey Thomas" I said when he finished digging. "Ya" said Thomas walking up to me. He put the shovel down. "Go dig us up some more fertilizer" I said picking up a basket and tossing it to Thomas. He caught it and took a small shovel. He headed into the forest and walked to where the fertilizer is. When I finished with the vines and fruit I went to work on another plant.


I saw the grave and turned around to leave. I stopped and saw Ben. "Ben, where have you been every one is.........are you okay" I asked. Ben ran up and tackled me. "GET OFF ME" I yelled trying to push him off. "Last night.....I saw you guys did this" said Ben. "I SAW YOU" Ben yelled. He squeezed my arms tight and I yelped a little. Ben started choking me and I tried to get him off. I saw a small skull near me and tried to grab it. I reached it.

I smashed it against Ben's head and knocked him off me. I bolted up and Ben tried to grab me. I ran for help. Hopefully some one will help me and not believe a word Ben says. I ran up a hill with Ben behind me. I started yelling Hey and hoped some one will hear me. Ben caught me and we tumbled down a hill. I got up and kept running. "HEY" I kept yelling. We have to be getting close to every one by now. "HELP" I yelled. I kept yelling with Ben behind me. I ran out of the forest and every one looked over at us. I yelled one last time to make sure I have every one's attention. People started running up to me and I face planted as Ben grabbed my legs. I rolled over and yelled as Ben crawled over to choke me again. "I'LL KILL YOU" he yelled. Newt hit Ben with a shovel and Ben was knocked off me."Hold him down" Newt yelled. Everyone ran made it and some people held Ben down and others made sure I was okay. "What are you doing Ben" asked Newt. "Calm down Ben" said Gally. "What happen" asked Frypan looking at me. "He just attacked me" I said standing up. 


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