Chapter 44

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We climbed the wall and made it back inside the glade. "I can't even feel the medal inside me anymore" said Minho. "Ya well tomorrow when we run the maze you'll feel the buzzing in your head" said Thomas. "What all changed" asked Minho. "What" I asked. "How are we so different from humans like what can we all do" asked Minho. "We will go over that tomorrow. Let's just make sure nothing went wrong and take it easy for tonight" said Thomas. We hung out around the glade until we had to pretend to wake up like always. To be honest if Teresa and Minho do date then Minho will have to tell Teresa he is half griever one day. I mean not any time soon but one day she will have to know. I sat at the table with my crutches on my lap. I think we all have a few more weeks like this. I swear if I am healed and another goat breaks my bloody leg again the same day, I'm gonna loose it. Thomas sat down across from me and gave me my breakfast. French toast and sausage.

We started eating. "How long do you think it will take us to show Minho every thing" asked Thomas as we ate. "Probably a hour or so. Although we never had you know. This happen before so I'm curious if the grievers will attack. A boy walked up to Minho. Minho looked up from his plate and Thomas and I froze. HE KNOWS. HE BLOODY KNOWS WHAT HAPPENED. "Hey Minho you might want to check on your girlfriend before you enter the maze today. She's not feeling well" said the boy. "Girl friend" asked Minho. I signed annoyed. WHEN WILL THEY LEARN. 


"You know, Teresa" said the boy. Minho nearly choked on his food and started blushing but tried to hide it. Some of the gladers laughed a little. "Well we aren't dating yet but I can go check on her" said Minho. "WHAT DO YOU MEAN YET" Thomas yelled. All the boys laughed and Minho shot us a quick death glare. Although he does like the idea of dating Teresa. So he was blushing while giving us a death glare. Not very threatening. We all went back to breakfast. After we finished I grabbed my lunch and said good bye to Newt.

The runners waited outside the maze for Minho to come back. He later came and ran up to us. "What was it" asked a runner. "Something called periods that girls have. Teresa said she will explain later" said Minho. I was relieved. Not as much as when I found out Newt was alive after the goat attacked him. It's more like Teresa is part of my family or something. Which I guess we are all family now since we are stuck in the glade together. So it's kinda like Teresa is my sister but not by DNA. We ran into the maze. When we got to the blades of section 1 Minho and I felt the buzzing. He put his hand on the back of his neck but dropped it before anyone else noticed. We ran around the section looking for the exit. Of course we found nothing like always. Minho and I stayed away from the exit. I wonder how Newt is doing. He always has lunch by himself. I wonder if he thinks about me as much as I think about him. Anyway we later had lunch. The runners talked like always and I did talk as well. They just talked about what they found today.

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