Chapter 39

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"Are you sure" asked Newt. "Well I don't see any other option" said Minho. "And what about Teresa" I asked. "I'll tell her one day but not any time soon" said Minho. "Well there is no going back" said Newt. "I know, but you guys can teach me how to hide it" said Minho. I signed. "Okay, we will go talk to WCKD after the nightmares are over" I said. Minho nodded and we went back to breakfast. I had to grab Newt a plate like always. I sat down with him and we ate in silence. As long as you count the two of us not talking in a room full of boys and one girl all talking silence. After breakfast I said goodbye to Newt and ran into the maze with the other runners. Newt told us that Teresa will work in the farm today. Mostly because Minho was the one who asked. We ran around the maze like always. I ran with some of the other runners and looked around the blades. We had lunch, ran around more like always, and then ran back to the glade. We had a meeting and found nothing like always. 

I ran to find Newt. I found him at the farm like always. I smiled and snuck up behind him. I covered Newt's eyes with my hands. "Tommy are you behind me" asked Newt. "Yep" I said. I uncovered Newt's eyes and kissed his cheek. Newt turned to face me and I hugged him. "How did today go" asked Newt. "Good, you" I asked. "Same as always" said Newt. I got a idea and ran off. I ran back and kissed Newt on the lips. "I'll be right back" I yelled running off again. Newt smiled and went back to working.


I smiled and continued picking fruit. Thomas later came back to me. "So where did you run off to" I asked. "I felt inspired and got a idea" said Thomas blushing. "What is it" I asked trying not to blush myself. "Have to wait till night. Let's get dinner" said Thomas. He picked me up and started carrying me to the kitchen. "TOMMY. AGAIN WITH CARRYING ME" I yelled. "I like to carry you Newt" said Thomas. "I DON'T NEED YOU TO CARRY ME" I yelled. "Calm down Newty. I will put you down soon" said Thomas. 

I signed annoyed and crossed my arms. At least Thomas grabbed my crutches. He sat me down at the table like always. I put my crutches next to me and waited for Thomas to come back with food. He came back shortly and set my plate in front of me. "Thanks Tommy" I said. We started eating. "So what nightmares are left" asked Thomas. I thought for a bit as I ate. "Spiders and being trapped" I said. "How do you fear being trapped, we aren't necessary allowed to leave here" said Thomas. "What" asked a glader. "What I meant was we aren't allowed to leave with out finding the exit and I doubt we chose to come up here" said Thomas. The glader nodded in agree meant and went back to talking with his buddies. "Well, it's more trapped in a dark room or trapped in a building with some evil creature after me (Granny anyone? The horror game)" I said. "So it's pretty much like death" said Thomas. "No, being trapped is more than death, it could be torture, kidnapped, ect" I said. "Well hopefully it will all be over soon" said Thomas. We finished eating and Thomas took my plate up. I quickly stood up so Thomas doesn't pick me up. I hope.

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