Chapter 19

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"Can you climb it" asked Thomas. "Probably" I said. Thomas set me down in front of the vines and I grabbed on to them. I pulled myself up and tried to climb. I fell on the ground and felt pain shoot threw my leg. I screamed and Thomas quickly cover my mouth. I cried a little from the pain but relaxed. Thomas uncovered my mouth. "Come on, I'll carry you" said Thomas. He picked me up and I wrapped my arms and legs around his back. Thomas climbed the walls. We made it over and Thomas started running. We made it to the exit and walked. "What are we gonna do" I asked. "Well we can't get your leg fixed but we can see how bad it is" said Thomas. He typed the code and we left the maze. We entered and found the workers. "You guys can't come in here all the time" said a worker. "Sorry, Newt broke his leg and we were hoping you can see how bad it is" said Thomas. "Come on" said the worker. We followed the worker to a room. Thomas sat me down on the bed. 

"Well, we can't get a x ray so we will have to cut him open and see how bad it is" said the worker. I looked at Thomas nervously. He signed and looked at the floor. Thomas looked at the worker. "Is it gonna hurt" I asked nervously. "Don't worry you'll be asleep" said the worker. I signed in relief and so did Thomas. "How long will it take" asked Thomas. "Not long, only a hour but we will have to stitch the leg up" said the worker. More workers came in. "I'll be outside okay" asked Thomas. "Don't worry I'll be fine" I said.


I kissed Newt on the lips and left the room. I sat where we were last time. I waited about half a hour till the workers said that Newt was awake. The bone is a clean break and will heal but the metal won't. Newt isn't built to not have medal so he will have a small limp until he can have it replaced. I enter the room and Newt started crying. "Newt you okay" I asked. "It's the sleep medicine" said a worker. I nodded and he left. "I love you Tommy" said Newt crying.

"I love you two" I said. I held Newt in my arms and he cried from the medicine. I guess it just makes people cry. I hugged Newt and rubbed his back as he cried. "It'll be okay" I said comforting him. Newt started to calm down and the medicine was wearing off. He later stopped crying and we just hugged. After Newt was okay the workers let us go back to the glade. I had to carry Newt back. When we got back it was early morning and I laid Newt in his hammock. I laid with him. People started waking up. Newt seemed mad. "Hey, you okay babe" I asked. "What" asked Newt looking at me with a confused blush. I blushed. "You okay, you seem mad" I said. "Oh, I was just wondering how I am gonna bloody work today. I can barely walk" said Newt. "You can't. Just rest today" I said. "But I have to work. Every one must do their part" said Newt. "I know but you broke your leg. They will understand that you can't work" I said. "Tommy, one of our rules is no free loaders" said Newt. "You weren't the only glader hurt by that goat. Other gladers can't work either" I said. 

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