Chapter 23

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We sat up on the tree fort for a few minutes. Thomas held my hand and we sat in silence. When it was breakfast time we left and Thomas had to carry me down. He let me walk to the kitchen. I sat down at a table and Thomas brought over two plates of food. We started eating. "Will you be okay today" asked Thomas. "Ya, why" I asked. "I don't want you having a nightmare again" said Thomas. "I'll be fine. I only get nightmares when I close my eyes to fall asleep" I said. "So what about today? You can't pretend to sleep" said Thomas. "I know but you can't protect me from nightmares. I just have to keep myself awake" I said. Thomas signed and put his fork down. "I just wish I knew why this was happening. Maybe I could help you" said Thomas. I stood up and kissed his fore head over the table. I sat back down. "You'll be back before I even bloody fall asleep. I mean what ever it is it can't be permanent" I said. "But how long will the nightmares last" asked Thomas.

I finished eating. "I don't know but I'll be alright. Alright Tommy? A bad dream can't hurt me" I said. "Not physically" said Thomas as he finished eating. I signed annoyed. I can't make him believe me. Thomas put our plates up and grabbed his lunch. I walked him over to the gate with the other runners. Lewis is finally back today and Minho told him if he feels anything go back to the glade. I said good bye to Thomas and assured him I will be fine. I left and walked around the glade a little. Well not in the forest of course,


We started running. I can't stop worrying about Newt. He is half griever. How is he having a nightmare? Fact how is he even sleeping? "Greenie" said a runner putting his hand on my shoulder. I was snapped back to reality. "What ya, I'm just worried about Newt. He keeps having nightmares" I said. "He will be fine greenie. It's a couple nightmares. They can't hurt you" said the runner. I signed. I hope he is right. I can't know for myself cause I never had a nightmare before. I don't even know what a dream feels like. 

We looked around the blades and walls but I already know we won't find anything. I'm the key and as long as I don't show them anything it will be okay. "Hey over here" said a runner. I turned and saw where they were standing. The other runners ran over to where Minho and a few other runners were standing. I stayed where I was standing. If I get to closer then they will find the exit. "Get over here Greenie" said a runner. I signed and slowly walked over. We stood by the last blade. I expected them to walk to the wall or something. The one runner laid down on his stomach. "Come on" said the runner. We all got on our stomachs and laid with him. He pointed under the blade. "Look how it's built. I think one of these is suppose to turn in order to find the exit" said a boy. I silently signed in relief. That idea has a good point for creativity but I think that the blades turning is for the maze turning off. However if a human finds the exit then that is the only way to turn the maze off. We stood up some of the runners tried to turn the blade. 

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