Chapter 90

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"I know Tommy" said Newt. He kissed me across the table. "I'm still here" said Chuck. We broke the kiss. "Sorry Chuck" I said. Newt and I continued eating. We talked some more and then I had to throw up again. I ran into the woods and threw up by a tree. Newt followed me and sat on his knees next to me. I finished and leaned into Newt's chest. Newt held me in his arms. "You okay Tommy" asked Newt. "Ya, can you carry me to the hammock please" I asked weakly closing my eyes. "Ya, come on" said Newt. He picked me up bridal style and carried me to my hammock. Newt laid me down and and I took my boots off. "Need anything else Tommy" asked Newt. "No, I'm fine for now" I said. Newt kissed my forehead. "Now get some rest" said Newt. He looked at my stomach. "You two make sure he rest. Don't let him do what I did back when I broke my bloody leg" said Newt. I laughed a little. 

"I'll be fine Newt. If I'm not here when you get back I'm probably in the woods throwing up" I said. "Okay, I love you three" I said. "We love you two" I said. Newt gave me one last kiss on the lips and ran off to work. I laid on my back and closed my eyes. I kinda miss being a runner. I know Minho is keeping them from finding the exit but I wonder if I missed anything interesting. Like some one forgetting their sack lunch like how I did. Ya I doubt I missed anything but I can't wait till I can run the maze again. However I can't be pregnant and run the maze.


I started working on the farm and feeding the animals. "Hey I think it's gonna rain soon" said a boy. We looked up and there were dark clouds. The sprinklers will go off soon I bet. "Okay let's try to finish but if it starts raining we had back to the sleep area" I said. "What about the runners" asked a boy. "I'm sure they are heading back. Minho won't let them run when it rains" I said. We quickly tried to finish working. I had to check on everyone else and see how they are doing. 

As the storm simulation got closer we started to hear thunder. The runners made it back okay and the cooks just stayed in the kitchen. They are really the only ones who can do their jobs. Everyone else is outside. I finished checking on everyone to see how far they got just as it started raining. I ran back to the sleep area and laid with Tommy. "Newt you're all wet" said Thomas pushing me away. "Well ya it bloody rained" I said. "I know but dry yourself off before you lay with me" said Thomas. "With what Tommy" I asked. Thomas said nothing and signed. He rolled his eyes. "Okay fine but I better not end up soaking wet" said Thomas. "You'll be fine. I won't get the sling wet" I said. Thomas laid his head on my chest and everyone started settling down in their hammocks. There was some flashes of lightning and thunder. However we already know it's just a simulation. Either way it's actually realist. "So what happens if it's still raining during dinner" asked a boy. "Well we will have to find something to cover our self to stay dry or you can make a bloody run for it if you wish" I said. 

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