Chapter 55

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"Ya well I don't trust him" I said. Newt looked at me. "He's not that bad. Trust me" said Newt. I'm sure Newt only sat with me because he want to check up on the new greenie. "To be honest I'd rather have you as a partner instead of him" said Newt. I was surprised. I looked at Newt surprised. "You know, if we ever needed teams for like a game or something" said Newt. I nodded. "Why me though" I asked. "Well you seem like a nice guy and to be honest I well I bloody like you" said Newt. I smiled. I then remembered. "But I'm different" I said. "So, no two people are alike" said Newt looking at me. I signed annoyed and looked away. I can't explain it to him with out having to explain but I would sound crazy. "We're trapped here. Aren't we" I asked trying to change the subject. "For the moment, but see those guys" said Newt turning to point at the runners. I turned and looked at them. I bet Minho is human again. He chose to become a halfing. I don't believe I will ever understand why.

I also noticed Ben was alive again. I guess that's another good thing. Maybe now he won't follow Newt into the maze. "Those are the runners, and that guy in the middle. That's Minho. He's the keeper of the runners" said Newt. I already knew all this. "Every morning when those doors open they run the maze" said Newt pointing at the doors. He put his hand down. "Mapping it, memorizing it. Trying to find a way out" said Newt. "How long have they been looking" I asked and turned back to the maze. "Three years" said Newt. "Why haven't they found anything" I asked pretending to be surprise. Newt turned back to the maze. "It's not easy as said and done, listen" said Newt pointing up. I listened and heard the maze changing. "You hear that" asked Newt. "Ya" I said. "It's the maze, changing" said Newt. He put his hand down. "Changes every night" said Newt. I said nothing. "How do I become a runner" I asked. "You'll have to talk to Minho about that but being a runner is dangerous" said Newt. "How" I asked. Newt looked at me. 

"No one has ever survived a night in the maze" said Newt. "What happens to them" I asked. Newt signed. "We call them grievers. I mean no one has ever seen one and live to tell about it but they're out there" said Newt. I said nothing. Newt looked at me for a few seconds as if he is trying to read my face. He looked away and took a sip of his drink. "Right well that's enough questions for one night" said Newt turning to me. "Come on, you're suppose to be the guest of honor" said Newt. "No I" I started. "No, come on" said Newt standing up. He helped me up. Maze followed us as we walked. "Frypan" said Newt as we walked over to him. Frypan came out of the kitchen and looked at us. "Show my friend here what bacon taste like" said Newt. Frypan tossed me a piece of bacon. I had to catch it and almost drop it a few times. I finally caught it. Maze took a piece and started eating. Lucky for him no one noticed. I started eating. This is good bacon. Frypan smiled. "Eat up greenie. You'll need your strength for working those fields tomorrow" said Frypan. He left and I finished the bacon. 

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