Chapter 111

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"I'm sure we won't screw up" said Teresa. "Now, while we are here let's do a ultra sound to check up on the babies" said the boss. We walked to the room where we did the ultra sound last time. I laid down on the table and lifted my shirt. My belly was getting some stretch marks. "Is that normal" asked Newt. "Ya, humans and halfings both get them while they are pregnant" said the doctor. They put the gel on my stomach. It was cold like last time. The doctor put the transducer on my stomach and the machine came to life. We heard the heart beat again and saw the two sons. "Well everything looks good" said the doctor. I smiled. "Wait so this does make me a uncle right" asked Minho. "Ya, once they are both born anyway" said Newt. "They are so adorable. I can't wait till they are born" said Teresa. "It's gonna hurt" I said. "You will be okay Tommy. I'll be right there with you" said Newt holding my hand. I smiled. After the ultra sound we ran back to the glade. Newt had to carry me of course. 

When we got to the sleep area I crawled into the hammock and laid with Newt. A couple weeks passed. Gally still hasn't decided yet, Minho is back to being half griever and I was now 7 months pregnant. I was laying in the hammock like always. I was again grabbed by people. I was blindfolded and they covered my mouth so I can't scream. I was taken to the woods and tied up to a tree. They removed the blind fold. "Did Gally tell you guys to go suck a griever" I asked. "Ya, but we know you aren't pregnant" said a boy. 


"BLOODY SHUT IT" I yelled. The slices shut up and turned to me. "Where did the goat go" I asked. "The kitchen" said Winston. "NEWT" Gally yelled running up to me. "Okay you shanks go to the kitchen and find the bloody goat before some one gets hurt. I'll see what Gally needs" I said. The slices went back to work and I ran up to Gally. "What is it" I asked. "It's Thomas, I can't find him" said Gally. I gasped in horror. I ran to the sleep area. I sensed nothing. 

"TOMMY" I yelled. Nothing. I could feel tears filling my eyes. I started running to find Teresa and Brenda. Thomas. I stopped and looked at the woods. I felt a faint presents from inside. Thomas and our two sons. "What are you doing" asked Gally. "It's a thing all halfings have. We can sense each other" I said. I ran into the woods with Gally behind me. "THOMAS" I yelled as I ran. I could tell we were getting close. The presence is getting stronger. I stopped when we found Thomas who was unconscious. "I thought I told those shanks that they can suck a griever" said Gally. I ran up to Thomas. He had a red hand print on his face with a black eye and a busted lip. Gally ran up and started untying Thomas. I put my hand on Thomas' face. "Tommy, are you okay" I asked. "Newt, is that you" Thomas weakly mumbled. "Yes, I'm right here" I said. Gally freed Thomas and I held him in my arms. "Come on, let's take him to the medjacks" said Gally. I nodded and ran following Gally to the hospital. "Don't worry Thomas, you'll be okay" I said. Thomas fainted in my arms. We made it and I gave Thomas to the medjacks. Now I have to beat those bloody idiots.

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