Chapter 68

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"She's gonna get herself killed" said Minho. He ran in after her. I looked at Newt. He looked at me and we ran into the maze. I had to catch my breath from being pregnant so I walked as Newt ran. I found them at the exit. "What's the code" asked Teresa facing Minho. "No, we aren't leaving" said Minho. Teresa rolled her eyes and signed annoyed. She walked up to the code and started typing numbers. "What are you doing" asked Newt. "I have to find the code eventually" said Teresa. We started to pull her away and she hit the last number with her foot. The code thing turned green and the door opened. Teresa freed herself and entered. "Wait" I said going after her. Minho and Newt weren't far behind. "I'm going to find my brother. I'm sick of not knowing where he is" said Teresa. "And what if WCKD doesn't have him" asked Minho. "They have to have something" said Teresa. We entered the office area. It was empty. "Okay, where should we start" asked Teresa. I signed annoyed. I took my shoe off and took my key card out.

I keep it in there cause it won't fit that well in my pockets with out bending. I put my shoe back on. "You stole a card" asked Teresa. "No, the three of us all have one" I said a little annoyed. Mainly because we can't talk Teresa out of this. We walked around the office. "Where bloody is everyone" asked Newt. "Maybe they are working on the new greenie" said Minho. "What are the chances of it being a girl" asked Teresa. "Teresa I'm sure they only sent you because you are the daughter of the human president" I said.


"Ya, that's why they kidnapped me but they told me I would find my brother. That's the only reason I agreed to enter the stupid maze" said Teresa. "Hey guys over here" said Minho. We looked at a door. Thomas swiped his key card and the door opened. We entered and looked around. "It looks like a tram of some kind" I said. The doors shut and locked. "Uh" said Thomas. The tram took off like a rocket. I grabbed a pole and grabbed Thomas hand. Minho and Teresa fell and slid back against the wall. Thomas held onto the pole. 

The tram stopped so fast that Thomas and I fell. I stood up and helped Thomas up. "You okay" I asked. "Ya, I think so" said Thomas. Minho and Teresa got up. "Where are we" asked Teresa. Thomas covered his mouth. "I thought you were okay" said Minho. "I feel a little nauseous but I should be fine" said Thomas. "It's probably just morning sickness and the speed of the tram. Come on let's sit you down" I said sitting Thomas on a chair. We waited a moment and the door opened. Thomas stood up and turned to it. "Uh where are we" asked Teresa. There was a pig oink. "Stay behind me" I said. I slowly exited the tram and entered the dark room. It sounded like I was walking on a cage. I signaled every one else to follow. They slowly entered. The doors closed and the tram speed back the way it came. "This seems familiar" said Minho as we all looked around. We used our night vision. Teresa yelped and jumped as Minho grabbed her hand. "It's just me relax" said Minho. "Sorry, can any of you see anything because I can't" said Teresa. "We're in the box" said Thomas. The lights above turned on.

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