Chapter 81

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"Well I'm popular I see" said Lake sarcastically. I signed annoyed. "What do you bloody want" I asked annoyed. Lake opened the pit and stood up. "We made our choice" said Lake. I got out of the pit and helped Thomas. "Well" I asked pretending to not know. "Thomas, we will let you have the babies but after they are born they must be killed" said Lake. "NO, YOU AREN'T TOUCH MY BLOODY SONS" I yelled. "CALM DOWN GREENIE. I DON'T LIKE THIS EITHER BUT WE CAN'T RAISE A BABY HERE. NOT TO MENTION ONLY GIRLS CAN GET PREGNANT" Lake yelled. "IT'S MY CHILDREN. I DECIDE WHAT HAPPENS TO THEM" Thomas yelled. "Sorry but the medjacks already agreed to kill your child" said Lake. "You MONSTER. THOSE ARE INNOCENT CREATURES" Teresa yelled. "LISTEN GREENIES. It's that or banish Thomas. I'll let you decide" said Lake. Thomas looked down and started crying. Lake left. I hugged Thomas. "It's okay Tommy. Our sons will be okay" I said. Thomas sobbed in my arms. I rubbed his back. "Don't worry greenie those medjacks are gonna have to go threw us first" said Ben hitting his fist against his hand.

"Ya, we can protect them until you leave" said Tyler. "Thanks, I'm just nervous for my sons" said Thomas. "They will be okay" I said. "Not to mention as long as they are inside you they are okay" said Dakota. "I have a idea. I know it's not the best but if Thomas gets banished he can stay in the maze and we can sneak him food every night" said Teresa. "THIS IS YOUR FAULT TERESA" Thomas yelled letting go of me. "Uh I didn't make you pregnant okay" said Teresa angry. "NO, YOU WENT INTO THE MAZE" Thomas yelled.


"So what" asked Teresa crossing her arms. "Tommy calm down" said Newt putting his hand on my shoulder. "IF YOU DIDN'T RUN INTO THE MAZE THAT NIGHT WE WOULDN'T EVEN BE HERE. YOU NEED TO REALIZE YOUR BROTHER IS GONE AND YOU CAN'T KEEP LOOKING FOR HIM AND PUTTING US IN DANGER" I yelled. I saw tears start to form in Teresa's eyes. She punched me. "I DIDN'T KNOW WE WOULD END UP HERE" Teresa yelled. She left. "TERESA WAIT" Minho yelled going after her. "What the bloody shuck Tommy" asked Newt. I rolled my eyes and walked away.

Newt ran after me. "TOMMY" Newt yelled. "I just want to be alone" I said annoyed. Newt signed and ran off leaving me to myself. He probably ran off to find Teresa. I don't care. I entered the woods and sat against a tree. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. What have I done. I put my face in my hands. It was my stupid mood swings. I put my hands down and started crying. I opened my eyes as I cried. I was such a jerk to Teresa. I mean I did think that a little bit but I don't believe her brother is actually gone. He could be anywhere. It could be me. We should have WCKD do a DNA test just to be sure. If we are related then we are fraternal twins. Mainly cause identical twins have the exact same DNA which means they are the also the same sex. I calmed down and closed my eyes again. I should go apologize to Teresa. I stood up and went to find her. I noticed some gladers stair at me. For once I'd rather have Gally and his friends. I mean he did punch me but he doesn't even believe I'm pregnant but he is okay with people being pregnant. These shanks here just want to murder my sons. Assuming we have two sons. It hasn't been tested yet.

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