Chapter 12

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Lewis woke up. "I fainted again didn't I" asked Lewis. "Ya, come on. The medjacks can check on you when we get back" said a boy. "Okay, help me up" said Lewis. The boy grabbed Lewis' hand and pulled him to his feet. Lewis fell but the runners caught him. "We have to carry him" said a runner. The runners started to pick up Lewis. "Kevin get Thomas back to the glade, we will be right behind you" said Minho. "Okay, come on Green bean" said Kevin walking up to me. "Wait what" I asked. "Go back to the glade with Kevin greenie" said Minho pointing at Kevin. "What about you" I asked. "We will be fine, but you have to go if you wanna get back to the glade before the doors close" said Minho. "I want to help carry Lewis. I can't just leave" I asked. "You are going back to the glade with Kevin Thomas. Go now and stop arguing with me" said Minho. "But I can help carry Lewis." I said. "NO THOMAS" Minho yelled. Every one was silent. 

"I had to promise Alby you will get back alive but I didn't plan on Lewis fainted" said Minho. We were all silent. "Minho I'll be fine, the more people to carry Lewis the faster we can go" I said. Minho signed. "Fine, but you better make it out of here alive shank" said Minho. "I will" I said. I can't tell them this but I can climb the walls to get out if needed but the grievers won't hurt me. I'm just scared for every one else. We carried Lewis and ran to the glade. Minho and I were the only ones who weren't. 


Alby waited by the gate. I ran up to him. "You alright" I asked. "The runners haven't been back yet" said Alby with his arms crossed. He didn't even look at me. "I'm sure they will be okay" I said. "I made Minho promise that Thomas will come out alive. I fear something happened" said Alby. I admit that it's weird they aren't back yet. Thomas I know will be okay but what about every one else? I bet they found the exit and know Thomas is half griever. Did he spill and say I am one two?

Every one else started waiting by the gates. We were all silent. We saw the runners. "Wait something is wrong" I said. The wind came and the doors started closing. "COME ON" a runner yelled. They all ran faster as the doors started closing. We all started yelling at them to make it. The runners made it. "STOP" Minho yelled pulling Thomas' arm to stop him just before the doors sealed shut. We were all silent. "WHAT HAPPENED OUT THERE" Alby yelled looking at the runners. We all turned to the runners who were still holding Lewis. "Lewis fainted out there and when Minho told Kevin to take Thomas back to the glade he refused and helped us take Lewis back" said a runner. We were all silent. "Come on, we know they are gonna die so let's go cross their names off" said Alby more calmly but still pissed. I can't blame him. "They can make it" I said. Every one looked at me. "No one survives a night in the maze. I'm sorry Newt" said Alby looking at me. "The people before didn't but Thomas and Minho have never been in the maze before. Please just give them till tomorrow before you say they are dead. I know they can make it" I said. 

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