Chapter 72

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"How does Minho feel about working the fields" I asked. "He already asked Blake if he could be a runner but Blake said it's too soon to tell and he will think about it tomorrow" said Newt. I smiled a little. "I bet Minho isn't happy about that" I said. "Ya but he is happy Ben isn't dead" said Newt. "I still am expecting him to attack me again" I said. "You'll be fine, he's not gonna get stung again" said Newt. He kissed my head. "Where is Ben anyway? I haven't seen him lately" I said. "He should be with Alby" said Newt. We started searching threw the crowd. "I don't see him" I said. "They might of gone to bed earlier. Which reminds me can a halfing sleep when they are pregnant" asked Newt. A branched snapped behind us. Newt's head snapped back. "What was it" I asked. Newt looked back forward. "Nothing, just get some sleep Tommy" said Newt. I closed my eyes. I didn't sleep but I laid there with my eyes closed. I listened to everything as I rested for the night. Newt looked back one last time.

I think the Newt thinks I'm sleeping. Teresa and Minho later joined us. I continued resting on Newt's chest. "Well no one here is my brother" said Teresa a little annoyed. "How do you know" asked Newt. "Because I talked to all of them. None of them are named Stephan" said Teresa. "What if they changed your brothers name when he was taken" asked Minho. "Well then he could be anyone (If you read the Fever Code you should already know who it is). Besides WCKD said I would find him but where and why erase my memory" asked Teresa.


We were silent for a moment. "Maybe they wanted you to find out we are half griever so" Minho started. "Stop talking" I said looking around. "Why" asked Minho. "I heard something" I said. I laid Thomas on the ground. He opened his eyes and rubbed them. "Sorry did I wake you" I asked. "No, I wasn't actually sleeping I just had my eyes closed" said Thomas. "Wait you heard something" asked Teresa. "Yes, I'll go check it out quick" I said. "It could of just been a animal or something" said Thomas. "Okay but what if it was a human" I asked crossing my arms.

"Which means they heard Minho say we are half griever" said Thomas. "Oh cause I was suppose to know that some shuck face is spying on us" said Minho angrily. "I'll go check it out quick. I'll be back with in five minutes" I said. I entered the forest. I blinked and activated my night vision. Someone started running. "HEY" I yelled. I ran after them. I couldn't catch them because they were too fast. Mainly because of my bloody limp. Stupid goat. "Ben what happened" asked Alby. "They are half griever. All the greenies are except you" said Ben. I finally made it and saw Alby blink a few times after remembering everything. "Newt, you're a griever" said Alby surprised. "Let me explain" I said nervously. "You hit me with a shovel" said Ben a little angry. I frowned. "You attacked Tommy" I spat. "To be fair you were stung" said Alby. "Okay that may or may not be true but what about the rest of you" asked Ben. "A griever entered the glade and stung Alby one day" I said. "How is everyone by the way" asked Alby. "Fine, not much has changed" I said. "And Teresa, how is she here" asked Ben. 

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