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Years went by. I watched Daron and Kyle wrestle as we waited for Thomas. They looked up. "Dad" said Kyle. They ran up to Thomas. "Hey" said Thomas. He stopped running and picked up our sons. Thomas then walked into the glade. "Were you two good for Mom" asked Thomas. "Ya, I found a worm" said Kyle holding up a worm. Daron screamed a little. "It isn't that scary J" said Kyle. "Yes it is" said Daron. "Nah ah" said Kyle. "Okay why don't you two go put the worm back" said Thomas putting our sons down. "Were they good" asked Thomas as he walked up to me. "Ya, Daron and Kyle even asked to help on the farm today" I said. "Glad to hear it" said Thomas. He kissed me on the lips. "Eew" said Daron. "Gross" said Kyle. I couldn't help but laugh. 

~time skip. This also might be the last chapter~ 

I wrote a letter explaining everything. I put it in a necklace (the one from the death cure) and gave it to Daron. "What's this" asked Daron. "A necklace with a letter that explains everything. Don't read it until you enter the other maze" I said. "Wait what about Coltin, are we gonna send him in same maze? he caused this" said Kyle angrily. "No, Coltin will be put in a different maze. We won't put Coltin and Daron in the same maze again" said Max. "Honestly I am not surprised. Coltin killed me before and he will never be happy as long as I am a boy" said Daron. "Be careful" said Thomas. "I will" said Daron. We all said goodbye to Daron and left WCKD. Daron had to have his leg amputated because Coltin had it smashed in between the walls of the maze. After that Daron will enter Lake's maze. 

~time skip~ 

The box came up earlier and told us that war was over and we can leave. Daron, Ben, Alby, and every other shank who was banished will be waiting at WCKD but the gladers didn't listen to us. That night the doors didn't close and the grievers came in. They took most of the gladers and rest agreed to trust us to leave the glade. We met Daron and everyone met their families again. George's family was informed that he was dead. 

~time skip THOMAS POV:~ 

We sat there on the bench. Kyle and Daron leaned on the bench behind me and Newt. I was nervous. This was the first time meeting my dad. My real dad. He walked up to us. "Hello" he said. His face was unreadable. Daron waved with a loud burp. He covered his mouth. "Let's leave Thomas alone with his dad" said Newt. "Works for me" said Kyle. The three of them left. I looked back at my father. I remember when I first met him when I stung Teresa. "Your mother would be proud of the man you have become Stephen" said my dad. I smiled. 

~time skip~ 

It has been a week since Newt died. My sons both got married to different people. Both half griever. I missed Newt every day. "Green bean meet Newt" said Alby. I remember Newt's smile. He left me a letter but I never read it. I signed and opened the letter. I started reading. 

Dear Thomas, 

This is the last letter I will ever write. I want you to know that I am happy with how my life went. I got to spend every day of it with you and our sons. I never believed the war would end. Not in my life time at least. I guess we were lucky to spend it in the maze. I never thought that WCKD would send up another half griever but they sent you up in the box. I remember when you were so scared and confused but I knew right away that I would always love you. Honestly I know most people when they look back they think about what they regret and what they would change. If I could do it all over again I would and I wouldn't change a thing. My hope for you is that you are able to say the same. We had a good life together Tommy. I never knew how lucky I was to have you until now. No matter what happens just remember I love you. I'll see you in a few years Tommy. When that day comes I'll bury you with hugs and kisses. Thank you for being there Thomas. You made every day worth it. Goodbye mate, 


I whipped away a few tears. I wouldn't change a thing either and I'm glade to spend my life with Newt. A year later I died and Newt and I were together again. 


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