Chapter 87

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After we did some more reading Thomas did throw up again and I took him to his hammock after he changed into his new clothes. I decided to find Aris. I should talk to him and see what he knows. I took him up the tree fort. "So what am I" asked Aris. "You, me, Thomas, and Minho are all half griever" I said. Aris was shocked. "So that..........thing that was here earlier I'm half of that" asked Aris surprised. "Yes, the grievers won't attack us but you can't say a bloody word to anyone" I said. "Okay but why do I sense three halfings from Thomas" asked Aris. "He's pregnant" I said. "Oh" said Aris. Minho ran up the tree fort. "Minho what's wrong" I asked. "Gally attacked Thomas  again" said Minho. I ran down the tree fort. I jumped off and ran as fast as I could to the woods. I sensed Thomas there. "TOMMY" I yelled. I saw Thomas on his hands and knees with people holding Gally back. "ADMIT IT SHANK. YOU AREN'T PREGNANT THOMAS. HE'S NOT PREGNANT AND YOU KNOW IT" Gally yelled trying to free himself.

I ran up to Thomas and got on my knees. "THOMAS IS PREGNANT GALLY" a boy yelled. "Tommy are you okay" I asked putting my hand on his shoulder. Thomas looked up at me. He leaned his head on my shoulder. "I don't feel that great" said Thomas. "Come on, let's get you to the medjacks" I said. I picked Thomas up bridal style and carried him to the hospital. "WHAT HAPPENED" asked Teresa when we entered. "Gally" I said. "Lay him on the bed over there" said Teresa pointing to the bed. I laid Thomas down and put the blanket over his legs. 


"I think I dislocated my left shoulder" I said. "Is that fixable since the whole, you know" asked Teresa. "Ya, we just need to pop his bloody arm back in place but the medal isn't broken so Tommy will be fine" said Newt. "Okay well let's move him so his left arm is on the outside of the bed" said Teresa. I sat up and Newt and Teresa turned me to lay the other way. "Is this gonna hurt" I asked. "Yes" said Teresa. Newt and I both froze and looked at her. "What, I'm being honest" said Teresa. 

I signed and laid my head back. Newt held my right hand. "You'll be fine Tommy. I'm right here with you" said Newt sitting next to me. Teresa went on the other side of Newt and grabbed my left arm. "Okay ready" asked Teresa. "No" I said. "Oh just hush you big baby" said Teresa. She seems more open now that she knows I am her twin brother. Teresa snapped my left arm back in place and I screamed in pain. I stopped and was breathing heavy. Teresa got a sling and wrapped it under my left arm and around the back of my neck. Teresa stood up. "Well that will take 12 to 16 weeks to heal so it will heal a month or so before the nine months are up. You can do normal activities after two weeks but NO HEAVY LIFTING" said Teresa crossing her arms. I turned my head and looked at Teresa annoyed. "In a few months I will barely have enough energy to walk. I don't think I can do heavy lifting period" I said. "Fair point but still. Just rest" said Teresa. She put her arms down and looked at Newt. "What's gonna happen to Gally" asked Teresa. Newt signed. "Gally will be in the pit for two weeks but you will only be there tonight" said Newt.

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