Chapter 11

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Thomas and I met the runners as they came back. "Hey greenie and Newt" said Minho. "Hey wait" I said running after him. All the runners stopped and looked at us. "You guys go to the base and go over the notes from today. I'll be there in a second" said Minho. "Okay cool man" said a runner. They all ran off to the base. "Whats up" asked Minho. "How do I become a runner" asked Thomas. Minho thought and signed. "Well to be honest greenie I think you can become one but you need some training" said Minho. We started walking. "How much" I asked. "Well, not a lot but if it's okay with Alby and all the runners you can come with us in the maze tomorrow and I can train you" said Minho. "Then what" asked Thomas. "We see if you can be a runner, anyway I have to go meet every one else at the base. I'll let you know tomorrow" said Minho. He ran off and joined the runners. "Do you think they found anything" asked Thomas as we walked around. "No why" I asked. 

"Minho said to go over the notes" said Thomas. "He always says that but if you want we can make sure" I said. After a while we had dinner. We saw Minho talk to Alby and the then the other runners. We have no idea what he said but we will find out tomorrow. After dinner we waited for every one to be asleep. I snuck out of my hammock and met up with Thomas. We went to the runner base and looked at their notes. "Nothing new, they just ran around section 5 today" I said. "Well at least we know they didn't find anything" said Thomas.


We put everything back and hung around the glade till morning. We pretended to wake up and then had breakfast. Minho told Newt and I that Alby agreed. Newt also told me when we were alone I better not show them the exit or he will give me a bloody lecture on where I went wrong. I grabbed a bag lunch with my name and left. The cooks were also told to make a extra lunch. We entered the maze. The other runners started running. 

"Okay if you need to stop and catch your breath let me know greenie" said Minho. "Okay" I said. We ran threw the maze and I didn't need to stop to catch my breath. "What is this place" I asked looking around. "We call them blades" said Minho. I started feeling the buzzing in my head. I looked around to make sure no one can hear it. No one did. I can't hear it myself but I can feel it. No one heard the buzzing or anything which is good. We ran around the blades some more until noon. When it was noon we all ate. We all sat and talked about different stuff. Mostly what the runners found today. I didn't have much to talk about but I'm fine with that. I wonder how Newt is doing. After lunch we stood up and walked around the blades one last time. "Okay we should head back" said Minho. One of the runners had his eyes roll to the back of his head and he face planted. "Lewis you okay" asked a runner. We all ran up to him. The runners rolled him on his back. "Check his blood sugar" Minho ordered. A boy grabbed Lewis' sugar tracker and checked his blood sugar. "It's low" said the boy. Minho grabbed the shot from Lewis harness and gave Lewis a shot. We then waited for him to wake up.

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