Chapter 62

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Alby walked up to us and I felt my heart pounding. He calmly handed us the box. I was expecting him to shout and scream at us. "You might wanna take this" said Alby calmly. He started leaving. I looked at the box in my hand and then back at Alby. "Wha Alby" I said. Alby stopped and turned to us. I couldn't read his face. "What happens if I'm pregnant" I asked trying not to show the fear in my voice. Alby signed. "Well you won't be running in the maze until after you are ready but the rest is up to you. It's your baby after all" said Alby. "No I meant, do you...hate us" I asked. "No. I'm not gonna hate someone over something stupid" said Alby. He left and I looked at Newt. "At least he doesn't bloody hate us" said Newt. I smiled. "I'll be right back" I said. I entered the woods and went to the bathroom. Which is just a out house. I peed on the stick and ran to find Newt. We showed it to Alby and he told us to go to the court building for a meeting.

Everyone else was there. Newt and I sat together in front of everyone else. I signed and leaned against Newt. "We will be fine Tommy" said Newt rubbing my arm. "I know, I just feel a little tired I guess" I said. "Are you gonna throw up again" asked Newt. "No, I'm fine right now" I said. Newt held me and Alby cleared his throat signaling the meeting has started. I tried to sit up. "I have some news for you. Now I don't want anyone to forget one of our most important rules. Never harm another glader" said Alby. 


Everyone was silent. Mostly cause they want to hear what Alby has to say. "And Minho I don't want Thomas running in the maze for a while understand" asked Alby. "Ya but why" asked Minho pretending to be confused. Alby signed. "Thomas is pregnant" said Alby. The room broke out to everyone talking. I couldn't understand what was all being said. "BLOODY CALM DOWN ONE AT A TIME. IF YOU WANNA SPEAK RAISE YOUR BLOODY HANDS" I yelled. Everyone shut up and raised their hands. "Gally" said Alby. Gally stood up. "Thomas can't be pregnant" said Gally crossing his arms.

"I am" said Thomas. "Listen shank, I'm not against any of us having a baby but the only one here who is able to get pregnant is Teresa" said Gally pointing at her. "But Thomas is pregnant. The stick proves it" said Teresa. "How do I know you didn't pee on it" asked Gally. Another up roar went threw the room. "SHUT UP" Alby yelled. Gally sat down. "DID YOU SHANKS FORGET WHAT NEWT SAID ABOUT HAVING SOME ORDER HERE" Alby yelled. He calmed down and the room was silent again. "Now I don't know how or why Thomas is pregnant but that does not mean we will abuse him or anyone else in the glade. Understand" asked Alby. Everyone silently agreed. "Good, and since Gally brought it up Thomas is the only who will have a baby here. Just this one time. We are trying to get out of this maze not start a baby factorie" said Alby. A few gladers laughed at his joke but still agreed. Frypan raised his hand. "Frypan" said Alby. Frypan stood up. "How long till a baby is born and they can eat what we eat right" asked Frypan. "I'm not sure. Maybe WCKD can send up a book or something about how this all works" I said.

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