Ferret problems

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4th year at Hogwarts...I am so tired of all these Slytherin bitches, no joke. Of course mostly Draco Malfoy and his gang. They are so annoying. I literally hate all of them.


Me and Hermione are walking around the castle corridors while talking about teachers and...well crushes. Hermione was talking about that Viktor Krum again. Don't get me wrong, but I don't like him. 

"Y/N I have a question for you. Why do you hate Malfoy so much? I mean has he done anything to you and you haven't told me about it?!And why do you have such a big obsession with ferrets?" Hermione asked me curiously.

"I...what? No it's just that he always gets in my way and says his basic stuff to me 'You filthy little half-blood' or 'Why are you even here? No one wants you here anyway.' , but I can deal with it. I just hate that he always says  something bad about you or Ron or Harry. I sometimes just want to punch him in the face. And he laughs at me, because I'm scared of professor Moody. Hey what's wrong with ferrets? They're cute. Like very cute... but-" I cut myself off, because I saw professor Moody and Harry laughing while Moody literally wanted to kill...A FERRET?! I quickly ran there, Hermione jogging after me.

"What the bloody hell is happing in here, professor?" I asked professor Moody angrily, but he just ignored me. Oh well I had enough when he put the ferret in Goyle pants...eww poor ferret.

"Stop it!" I screamed at Moody and he stopped, the ferret was panicking and I carefully picked him...or her up. It's probably him. Moody was about to tell me something, but I cut him off.

"Save it. I don't want to hear a thing what you have to say! How could you do something like this to a little innocent animal?!That's not ok." I said and hold the ferret close to me.

"Y/N!Wait!" Harry said when I turned around. I stopped for a second, shook my head and walked to Gryffindor common room.

As I entered I put the ferret in one of the couches, he was still shaking, god I feel terrible for him. I mean he's innocent.

"Don't be so nervous now, calm down. It's ok, I'm here for you. I won't hurt you like professor Moody did, trust me. *He actually calmed down a little* Still I have this weird question on my mind right now. Why wasn't Malfoy, that git...anyway why wasn't he with his gang? That's weird. Is he sick or something?! That would be cool...he wouldn't say anything to me then...I can tell you anything you know since you won't tell anyone...the thing is that I think I maybe like him a little, yes even when he's a total jerk to me. I am so weird I'm talking to a ferret, I'll shut up now. Gosh I have a new class in 10 minutes, come on I'll let you sleep in my dorm what I share with Hermione." I said smiling at the ferret and then taking him to my dorm. I put him on my bed and walked out, because he looked like he was tired.

As I was walking to my next class, which  was Potions with Snape of course, I love this subject btw. Yeah you may think it's weird, right? That's actually funny Snape likes me, he even told me that he would be happy if I was put in Slytherin instead. I know he basically hates all Gryffindors, but I mean...I'm safe, he likes me. He always gives me A or B+ grades, that's awesome-

"Y/N!I have a question!" Ron said to me as he jogged after me with Harry and Hermione right behind him.

"What's up?" I asked him confusedly.

"You don't like Malfoy, do you?" Ron asked again with a serious voice.

"W-what? Why would I like someone that hates me?" I asked them confusedly, Hermione looked down.

"Never mind. Y/N sorry about that accident with Malf- I mean with that ferret. What did you do with him anyway?" Harry asked, I looked at him suspiciously.

"Hmm...you act weird Harry, but I put him in mine and Hermione's dorm. Wait how do you know it's a he?" I asked looking at all of them. They all looked at each other with wide-eyes. What the hell is going on?!

"We should get to class!" Hermione said, trying to change the subject, we all nodded and went to class...

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