Free Time

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The soreness your body felt at the beginning of training has faded away. Jungkook and you were getting used to the strenuous schedule. It didn't take long for you to start waking up before the alarm clock even rang. Your body was already getting a taste of new muscles. It's not like you had muscles on every inch on your body now, but you were losing body fat. It felt nice to know your muscles were getting tighter. Eating the right food and exercising certainly clears up your mind. Jungkook and you have gotten closer too. If you don't leave your dorm first then he comes to see if you're on your way to breakfast. Then if he's sleeping like the dead, you go slam your fist on his door and hope one of the boys hasn't left yet. Only they could go inside and get that boy to wake up. Seokjin seemed to be the expert already.

Hoon-ssi is also a really good trainer. Even if that's not the reason he works here, he certainly knows his stuff. It made you wonder how he knew how to train heroes. It's apparently not in his job description and he's not muscular himself. Hoon-ssi said he doesn't like to sweat which baffled you more. He's not intentionally mysterious, but you've grown to appreciate him. Jungkook and you follow him around like puppies once breakfast is over. It's amusing to the other trainees and Hoon-ssi always sighs. 'As long as you don't continue to do it' is all he has to say about it. Namjoon is glad to see the two of you learning how to become trainees. At least you think he's glad. It's hard to read his expressions but Hoseok says he can tell Namjoon's emotions.

Since it's been a week and a half of training, Jungkook and you were nearing the pre-training limit. It was exciting to think about joining the others. Hoon-ssi was going to start teaching you their version of stretches and work outs. They're going to be a b*tch. Those are his words, but you figured he wasn't lying. No, instead he missed one adjective. It was a major b*tch to learn. You could still hear Hoon-ssi's laughter to see you red in the face, dying on the mat. How dare he? Anyway, the good thing about today was that Jungkook and you didn't have to train. All of the trainees were lucky today. It's a free day so that meant you could do whatever you wanted for the whole day. What to do with all this freedom?

Namjoon refused to take a break and continued working. Seokjin routinely went out into the city to look for possible trainees. That's how they get trainees like Jungkook, Taehyung, and you. Jimin and Hoseok did auditions which was interesting to learn about. Slowly, you were becoming friendly with all the boys, but you don't think you would consider them your friends yet. It's mainly professional between all of you. The three younger boys were going to stay in their dorms to play video games. They were like the three musketeers to you. They've gotten close to each other pretty quickly. Hoseok told them to be quiet since he was going to sleep. That sounded really nice. You could use some more sleep, but you could always do that later. What you planned for yourself today was using your free day to hang out with Yoongi!

He better feel special. You came out of Big Hit for the first time in a week just to meet up with him in person. Knowing Yoongi, he probably wouldn't care too much. Maybe. Though you actually considered him a friend compared to the other boys, you still had a lot to learn about the black haired male. Yoongi agreed to come out to meet you at the café you guys first when to. You said goodbye to the boys at the dorm and left the company building. Hoon-ssi made sure to remind you that you needed to get back to the company by a certain time. It was like a curfew that they hoped trainees would respect which wasn't asking for much. You'll definitely be back before then.

It was going to take you some time to get to the café, you so left Big Hit early. The nearest bus stop was more than a couple blocks away. The bus route had two stops and then it would leave you near the set location. Running down the street, you made it a few minutes early which is always good. It didn't take long for the bus to arrive. All the people waiting with you got inside. It's good that it wasn't rush hour yet. It gave you some space to breathe. When you got off at your stop, that's when it started to really get packed. Thank goodness you're not in there anymore. With one hand holding your purse strap, you walk inside the café to see Yoongi on his phone. He was slouching in his seat and had already ordered a drink.

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