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Namjoon paced the room, hiding his impatience. Everyone stood in a straight line with their best posture. It's as if you guys were in the military. You glanced at all the boys to your right to see if they were going to break first. No one has said a thing since Namjoon ordered you all to line up. Soon you found your eyes making contact with Seokjin's. He was standing at the very end, leaning over to see if anyone would move too. He gave you a small smile before worriedly gazing at the door. Namjoon stopped walking around in circles to stare at Seokjin. The eldest broke out of the hold Namjoon wanted you guys in. Hoseok raised a brow at the blonde for walking out of the line. No one has ever done that. Only when Namjoon says you guys can relax are you all free to move.

"Where are you going?" Namjoon questioned.

"I'm going to look for Jimin. He ate breakfast with us but hasn't come back from the bathroom." Seokjin grabbed the door handle gently. He stared at Namjoon with a light frown. Namjoon sighed, staring at the door in thought.

Jimin hasn't come in for training. When he arrived for breakfast, he was only a couple minutes late. It didn't really matter. He still had plenty of time to eat. Now that you think about it, Jimin ate his food silently the entire time. Not once did he speak to the other trainees. He mainly kept to himself and excused himself to the bathroom at the end. Namjoon told him to make it quick since it was time to start training. Ten minutes should be more than enough time. Training has been put on hold because of the pink haired boy. The seven of you have been waiting for him, but it feels like he's never going to come. Taehyung stopped holding his straight posture to look at you. Jimin has been off since Bang PD's visit from yesterday.

Bang PD was more intimidating than ever the other day. Something must have pissed him off or something. He didn't seem to be in the best mood. Namjoon gave in and let the eldest look for Jimin. The search ended as soon as it began. Jimin opened the door, making Seokjin jump back in surprise. With everyone's attention on the multi, Jimin blushed in embarrassment as he closed the door behind him. Seokjin calmed down to see it was just him. He's finally here. Taehyung stopped worrying over his friend and smiled wide. The rest of the boys were waiting for the line to form to start the day full of training already. Of course, Namjoon had to talk to Jimin before any of that started. Seokjin hurried back off to his place in the line as the tallest male walked over to the shortest.

"Is there any special reason you took so long?" Namjoon crossed his arms.

"Well..." Jimin fidgeted with his fingers.

"That's kind of a personal question, Namjoon." Taehyung frowned. The purple hair lowered his voice, trying to whisper quietly to the leader but everyone heard anyway. "What if Jimin's constipated?"

"I'm not!!" Jimin stomped his foot. His entire face went on fire to have something like that be said about him. Jungkook snickered and Yoongi appeared amused. Hoseok whispered to no one in particular that he has plums for that.

"Did you get distracted looking at the mirror? I know that happens to me." Seokjin smiled like he was being helpful.

"Oh yeah, definitely. Happens to the best of us." Yoongi nodded his head. His voice dripping with sarcasm, but Seokjin felt glad someone could relate with him.

"That wasn't it either!" Jimin balled up his hands into fists.

"Then why did you take so long?" Namjoon narrowed his eyes on the boy.

"Yeah! Bowel movement or vanity! Which is it!?" Taehyung shouted.

"How about we hear him out first?" You raised your voice amongst the boys.

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