Small Favor

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Dr. Ahn was right about resting. The morning you woke up, your body only felt a tiny bit sore. You'll just take the pain killers you were given with breakfast. Jungkook might be doing the same. While you were getting ready for the day, your mind kept wandering over to Jimin. He looked so sad yesterday. The moment Dr. Ahn stated the recovery time, Jimin almost cried. Everyone was sympathetic towards him. Though it was no one's fault, you felt guilty for letting him go up the stairs. Namjoon must have felt even guiltier. He didn't show much signs of it. You haven't seen him since last night. When you walked out to the cafeteria, there was no one there. No one is coming for breakfast?

Glancing at the clock, you furrowed your brows. You slept in today. Slowly walking into the cafeteria, you pursed your lips. The cafeteria ladies were already working in the kitchen. They had food ready so you figured you might as well just eat alone. It just didn't feel right though. You were about to continue walking until you heard footsteps behind you. Looking over your shoulder, you spotted Seokjin coming over. He shoved his hands into his pockets as he went up to you. Was he the only one up yet? You couldn't see Yoongi or anyone else behind him.

"Good morning." Seokjin smiled.

"Hey...where is everybody?" You asked as he looked around.

"I'm assuming they're all tired from last night." Seokjin rubbed the back of his neck as you nodded. Glancing over at the lunch ladies, you took a step towards them until Seokjin grabbed your wrist. "Wait. Can I talk to you for a sec? About what I said yesterday...when we were alone..."

"Sure." You faced him again. He coughed, nervous to bring up his insecurities out in the open. He didn't mean to let something like that slip. He's kept it to himself pretty good so far.

"...Don't bring it up to Namjoon or anyone. Please." Seokjin curled his fingers into anxious fists. "It's not a problem for me! It's fine!"

"Are you sure?" You asked. You didn't think of telling the others so you wondered how worried he truly was about this. "You couldn't even think about fighting by yourself when it was important. It took a lot of convincing..."

"It'll get better for me...I promise." Seokjin's eyes pleaded you to trust him. Biting your lip, you eventually gave in. Nodding to him, you were then pulled into a tight hug. You trusted him to not let it get in the way anymore. Hopefully he could keep his promise.

"Your power is strong and will save a lot of people. It already has," You said. Most of your words were muffled by his shoulder, but he squeezed you tighter anyway. He mumbled a 'thank you', making you smile. He's a lot different than you expected even though you're not quite sure what exactly you expected from him. Just something else. Seokjin pulled away from the hug, petting your head with a soft smile on his face. "Want to go eat breakfast now?"

"I'm going to take a bath instead." Seokjin shook his head. "I don't feel that hungry right now," He said, making your brows immediately furrow. He chuckled, knowing this reaction might come from you.

"Are you sure you're fine then?"

"Yes. Go eat if you want to." Seokjin tried turning you around, but you wouldn't budge.

"But I want you to eat well!" You frowned.

"I do that no matter what. I promise." Seokjin laughed.

"Don't make so many promises." You pouted as he let go of you.

He waved his hand, leaving the cafeteria in the direction of the baths. The pout didn't last long. It quickly turned into a grin that you couldn't make go away. Maybe during movie night you'll sit next to him. You're pretty sure he's going to get to hold a bag of popcorn too. You got yourself a tray and went in front of the lunch ladies. They were all whistling and acting busy. It made you feel nervous and it certainly didn't help when all their eyes traveled to meet yours at the same time. Stumbling back in shock, you didn't get a second to react when they all ran over to the counter. Their eyes were intense with curiosity, millions of questions not so hidden in their gaze.

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