Gloomy Funeral

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The call with Heechul went on for a long time. Everyone huddled close to the phone for almost an hour. At one point, you believed Namjoon was just tempted to call Heechul over to Big Hit. That would only be problematic since Heechul wasn't staff or trainee. He did know that Yoongi and you were trainees though. He knew that much but didn't know you guys were the secret hero team. He told Namjoon everything he knew from reading the newspaper. Heechul apparently works as a mail man on the side. That's why he keeps the mail of Big Hit on him. Somehow that made sense. Once Heechul let Namjoon know he was their mail man, Namjoon realized who Heechul was. They know each other?

Namjoon thanked Heechul for the information. He had given all of you an update on what the police were discovering. The teen's death was confirmed to be at the hands of the infamous villain. The rest of the teens were questioned further about the man they encountered. They gave out a description since there were usually no survivors. A pit formed at the bottom of your stomach. Does that mean Mr. Organ Killer might have a thing against them now? They know what he looks like. Sort of. The most they were able to describe was his black hair and intense eyes. He stood tall at six feet with a slender body and broad shoulders. He wore an all black business suit and a large face mask. Heechul also made sure to tell all of you the date of the teen's funeral. They were having this funeral be open to the public since he didn't have much friends or family. Everyone's hoping that this villain will be caught soon.

Yoongi hung up once they wrapped things up. Trainees nodded their heads silently. Everyone quietly accepted the fact that they met the Grim Reaper. Apparently, that's what the newspapers had decided on naming him. You didn't like it when the media named the villains. It felt like it encouraged villains to go even further. They take the name and make sure that just hearing it leaves chills running down someone's spine. And you guys were given a name by the media too. Hidden knights. Jimin was the first to talk. Eyes traveled over to him as he spoke softly. His pink bangs covered some of his eyes. He shifted around, telling everyone that it would be nice if all of you guys went to the teen's funeral. Though none of you knew him, he felt it was right. You nodded right away to hear the idea.

"I agree." You looked over at Namjoon.

"I just think it's the right thing to do...they said he didn't have much people. And we were there." Jimin frowned.

"I don't know." Namjoon rubbed his chin in thought.

"We can make time in the schedule. Come on." Seokjin smiled softly.

"The funeral is open to the public, so we won't be suspicious." Hoseok shrugged.

"Heechul said the funeral is tomorrow." Yoongi shoved his phone in his back pocket.

"I wanna go," Taehyung mumbled, tapping his fingers against his shoe. Namjoon sighed softly as he looked at the faces around the room. Most of you were looking pretty gloomy. All of you felt sympathetic towards the teens and upset that Mr. Organ Killer got away with it. He's probably going to do it again. It's one thing killing heroes, but completely different when he hurt someone innocent. They were a normal human. A child.

"Can we, Hyung?" Jungkook asked.

"I suppose so. We'll arrive to the funeral tomorrow after lunch for about thirty minutes to pay our respects before returning to the company," Namjoon said. "I also plan for us to go out the day after. It'll be a small job. It appears someone is trying to cause trouble in a specific hiking spot. They're causing danger to the nature around them as well as hikers."

"Got it!" Everyone chimed.

After that, the rest of the trainees were able to focus. Namjoon switched up the plans for today. Instead of cardio, it would be regular training. He wanted the eight of you to split up into teams of two. There was a total of four teams. Namjoon paired up with Hoseok as usual. Jimin and Taehyung immediately made eye contact with smirks on their faces. Seokjin and Jungkook looked over at Yoongi. The black-haired boy muttered something about how popular he was. He made the bold decision of walking over to you silently. Looks like you have a partner. You did your best not to laugh at Seokjin's offended reaction. He pouted as he looked over at Jungkook who looked just as disappointed. Namjoon declared the oldest and the maknae a team since they were left over.

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