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Yoongi didn't appreciate you calling him a pervert. He made sure to give you a strong glare after you finished. The two of you haven't talked to each other privately in a while. He's still your friend. Things have only been a bit weird when it comes to the topic of Taehyung. That's something the both of you avoid. Mainly because you know you'll get angry at him and Yoongi knows that he's going to hurt your feelings. The both of you are extremely stubborn when it comes to your beliefs. The good thing though is that the two of you didn't start a fight. Instead it was just another conversation filled with sarcastic jokes. You had a feeling he wouldn't drop the pervert comment for a while. That really stung his pride to be called that. Whoops. But you'll keep that in mind from now on.

It was the next day and everyone was up for training. This time Jimin arrived early. He glanced at you a lot during breakfast. You wanted to speak to him, but there wasn't really time for that. Jimin most likely wanted to speak to you quietly. Talking about what he revealed to you yesterday out in the open would not be good. It would definitely upset some of the trainees. Specifically, Taehyung. Knowing him, he would certainly not take it well if he knew Jimin wanted to leave Big Hit and the road to becoming a hero. Ever since you found out, you felt nervous. Jimin hasn't told you his answer whether he's going to stay at Big Hit or pack his things. You really hope he thinks about this and doesn't end up regretting his choice.

Namjoon had everyone change into their new resistant uniforms. Hoon-ssi made new ones for all of you. This time, they were better than ever. The bright colors were toned down a few notches since he knew you guys would be using them outside. Your bright peach pink had turned into a nice toned down matte pink. Hoon-ssi really out did himself and he knew that. He bragged about the improvements he made. Enjoying all the praise that came from the trainees. They're going to help you guys go all out against bad guys.

"They're going to be a little harder to burn so hopefully you idiots don't get multiple grenades thrown at you." Hoon-ssi chuckled.

"They weren't grenades," Seokjin mumbled.

"Appreciate my outfits!" Hoon-ssi huffed.

"Thank you, Shin Hoon! We love them so much!" Hoseok clapped his hands together. "I look so good in this dark red!"

"It's official. Hoseok's my favorite." Hoon-ssi smirked.

"Aw, you're my favorite!" Hoseok grinned.

"Kiss up!" Yoongi shouted in the back. Hoseok frowned slightly at that as Seokjin lightly smacked Yoongi. They weren't used to him yet. He was only joking around, but they took it seriously. The gummy smile on the black hair vanished. He rolled his eyes, becoming quiet in the corner once more.

"I'd like to thank you for working on these uniforms for us when you didn't have to." Namjoon bowed to Hoon-ssi.

"What do you mean I didn't have to? It's my job to make you guys outfits." Hoon-ssi scoffed. "That's my literal job. Not whatever else I'm forced to do around here. Besides...I had fun." He shrugged as Namjoon lips twitched. D*mn. You thought he was going to smile.

"Thank you again though. We all greatly appreciate you keeping our secret," Namjoon stated. Everyone in the room nodded in agreement.

"Anything to annoy Bang PD." Hoon-ssi chuckled. "Not like he'll ever know. I still need pay checks."

"Get that cash, Mr. Shin!" Taehyung threw his fist in the air.

"Anyway, I should get going. Go back to training now before Bang PD gets mad." Hoon-ssi waved at you guys. He closed the door as you all flood him with goodbyes.

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