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Taehyung couldn't keep it to himself. After the group hug, he ran out of the training room to find everyone. He wanted them all to know he got control over his sense of touch. You were so proud of him! Namjoon smiled when he wasn't getting stared at by someone other than you or Hoseok. He was proud too. The two of you put a lot of hard work and effort in trying to figure out ways to help Taehyung. If Taehyung could, he would have shouted his success through the halls. That's what he wanted to do at first. Run around like crazy and letting everyone in the building know. Unfortunately, Bang PD and other faculty believe Taehyung has full control over his power already. The only two faculty members that know Taehyung's circumstances are Hoon-ssi and Dr. Ahn.

Yes, Dr. Ahn has joined the Big Hit family. It came as a surprise to some of the trainees while you were excited for Hoon-ssi. He got a famous doctor to accept a job here at a small company! There's nothing better than that. Namjoon was glad to have a doctor available for everyone's needs. The only thing he hoped for was that Hoon-ssi didn't flirt with Dr. Ahn too much. They still both had jobs to do. Right now, Taehyung was getting another checkup. The bandages were being removed today for good. It was mainly Namjoon who felt anxious about it. If Doctor Ahn said that Taehyung was good to return to normal activities, that meant everybody would get to practice outside again. Everyone has been itching to have a taste of the outside world again. Namjoon knew that but told Hoseok and you that he didn't want trainees getting upset with Taehyung if that wasn't possible.

Hoseok understood his worry and you did too. The orange haired boy promised that he would talk to anyone who had a problem with that. Meanwhile you stared at Namjoon for some time. The others should really get to see this side of their leader. Namjoon only ever speaks facts to the trainees. Everything he said is important and is never said with no purpose. With the way he behaves around the other trainees, he never states his feelings. Never saying he 'hopes' for something or revealing any kind of emotion. You nudged Namjoon, telling him he should tell this to Taehyung. Maybe the other boys as well. All Namjoon did was let out a sigh and patted your head. He truly was a big softie. Hoseok then joined in on petting you which was not too enjoyable.

Now everyone was scattered around the training room quietly. Taehyung and Dr. Ahn were sitting down on the ground. You sat on a pile of mats with Jimin right next to you. Namjoon and Hoseok leaned against the mats while Yoongi, Seokjin, and Jungkook were just standing. Hoon-ssi remained by the doors as Dr. Ahn finished up. Everyone was waiting to hear whether he was free to return to regular activities or not. Taehyung was already saying that he wanted to go back out there. He wanted to do his best be useful outside. Jungkook was already teaching the boy some taekwondo just in case. You created small knives for the boy and you were in the process of teaching him how to fight with them. There's more to them then just trying to stab someone or throwing them randomly.

"I'm all done." Dr. Ahn packed up his medical bag. "You're good to train again, Taehyungie."

"Really!?" Taehyung looked at him with a huge smile.

"YES!!" Jungkook threw his hands up in the air.

"I'm so ready." Hoseok chuckled, nudging Namjoon.

"Let's train hard." Jimin turned to you.

"Hell yeah." You gave him a high five. Namjoon look over his shoulder, seeing you two above on the mats.

"I'll work on planning an outside training time soon," Namjoon stated. Jimin grinned, getting excited with Hoseok. Namjoon slowly lifted his hand up at the pink haired boy. You watched the whole scene painfully. Jimin was too busy getting hyped with Hoseok that he didn't notice Namjoon wanting a high five too. Is this why Namjoon doesn't try to show emotions with them? Namjoon was beginning to awkwardly curl his fingers into a fist but you hurriedly gave him a high five. It was still weird though, but you tried. You giggled at the mess while Namjoon gave you a grateful look in his eyes. He then walked up to the center with Dr. Ahn and Taehyung. "We'll be practicing outside soon. Especially now that Taehyung has gotten control over his sense of touch."

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