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You were silent the entire car ride back. At first you said a few things, but you just didn't feel like yourself at the moment. A wave of relief hit you whenever you saw Hoseok, but you felt like crying when looking over at Namjoon. It didn't make sense. It felt annoying to get so emotional by one glance. Staring out the window, you sat on your hands quietly. Hoseok told a sour Hoon-ssi everything that happened inside the bank. Namjoon would occasionally add something, but didn't speak much as usual. He kept to himself after apologizing to Hoon-ssi. He hadn't said anything to you though. There was awkward tension between the two of you. This time, you're certain Namjoon wasn't oblivious to it. He has to know some social cues.

Leaning closer to the window, you closed your eyes and hoped to get home soon. The sun was already setting. Hoon-ssi missed his lunch dates while the rest of you missed movie night. Maybe next time. Being a hero is going to be a lot more demanding so you figured you might as well get used to plans falling through. You tried not to think of it as something sad. Before you knew it, the car had stopped. Namjoon tapped your shoulder to break you out of your thoughts. Turning to look at him, you felt your stomach flop. Instantly you had to look down at your lap. Hoseok hopped out of the van happily as Hoon-ssi slowly slid out.

"The two of you can go inside. I have to talk to (F/n)," Namjoon said. Hoon-ssi nodded with a sigh as he closed the door. You gripped the seat tighter underneath you. Namjoon took in a deep breath, facing you slowly. "Now that we're in private, do you mind telling me what's wrong?"

"You don't know?" You questioned in disbelief. You still couldn't look at him.

"I have an idea—"

"What's that idea then?" You bit your bottom lip.

"I'm...sorry for worrying you." Namjoon's voice became quiet. Being alone with him wasn't anything new. But this time you felt embarrassed. Pressing your lips tightly together, you mustered up some courage to look him in the eyes. You raised your head to see his confused expression.

"Don't do that again...please." You fidgeted with your fingers. Namjoon nodded with a small smile. He began to shift his body towards the door, but you weren't done yet. "Hug." You demanded more than asked. Namjoon stiffened up, unsure of what to do. A smile came on your face as you wrapped your arms around him.

"..." Namjoon took a few seconds to get comfortable. Eventually his arms lightly wrapped around you too. A chuckle slipped your lips as you hugged him tighter.

"You're so awkward!" You grinned.

"(F/n), let go." Namjoon's face grew red. You shook your head and did your best to squeeze him.

This would have gone on for a long time until Namjoon squeezed you back. Before you knew it, all air from your lungs were taken away. That's when you had to tap out. Namjoon was incredibly red in the face but was laughing himself. His smile was huge, his dimples looking prominent. The two of you came out of the van happily. It was all better now though your heart did ache at the thought of never seeing those dimples again. You want to see him grow and get friendly with the other trainees. Before Namjoon and you entered the building, he took in a deep breath and walked in with a calm expression. It slowly became stoic as the two of you walked further in. The pout on your face must have been noticeable since he quickly nudged you.

A scoff left your lips and you were ready to shove him too until loud footsteps came running down the hallway. Heavy pants were accompanied with it. The both of you furrowed your brows before a voice began yelling for Namjoon. Your face softened to hear Taehyung. His shouts weren't panicked, but filled with thrill. By now, you imagine all trainees had become aware of Hoseok and Namjoon's little bank adventure. Taehyung appeared at the corner, almost falling from the sudden turn. That's when Jungkook and Jimin appeared. While Jungkook smoothly turned the corner, Jimin fell over. The pink haired boy quickly stood up to catch up with the two boys. Taehyung had a wide grin as he came up to Namjoon. You noticed how Jungkook and Jimin were equally excited.

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