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Yoongi took too long getting involved. How did he not see Heechul burning Jungkook's letters as problematic? Heechul was dead set on seeing what SM had to say to Jungkook. It's a good thing Yoongi helped you at all though. He convinced Heechul to put his lighter away and to give him all the letters. Heechul listened and remained on the sidewalk. The two of you were going to bring them back for Jungkook to see. Maybe he might have some explaining to do. Or maybe he'll be just as confused. There was no way to know other than confronting him about it. Luckily, Heechul didn't follow you guys back to Big Hit. Knowing Yoongi is now a trainee of Big Hit, you're happy he didn't go through with his idea of going against the government. Sure, the government is a bit unfair to those with powers but you're glad there's no Heechul causing trouble at a huge scale.

The black haired boy only kept a small smile on his face. It was a successful trip in his opinion. You're not so quite sure on what happened. The both of you walked back into Big Hit to see Hoon-ssi sitting in the receptionist desk of the car insurance portion of the building. He was spinning around in his chair and waved at you guys. The two of you weren't gone for that long which was good. Namjoon most likely wouldn't scold you guys for suddenly disappearing. Especially now that you guys brought mail. Important ones at that. Yoongi handed over two Big Hit bills to Hoon-ssi before walking with you over to the gym. There was laughing behind the door so you figured everything was okay. When Yoongi entered the room, they all turned to face him with smiles. Even Taehyung was doing better.

Taehyung curiously pointed out the mail in Yoongi's hands. Everyone's eyes began staring at the letters in bewilderment. Namjoon didn't furrow his brows like Hoseok did. He got up from his spot and walked over to Yoongi without much thought. The mail was passed on to him for him to read. Yoongi took a step back to stand next to you while Namjoon noticed the same name on each of the letters. They were all addressed to the maknae and came from multiple hero companies. It naturally came off as suspicious. It didn't sit well with Namjoon, but he didn't let his facial expression slip. He remained calm as he turned to the brunette who was playing with the eldest's hair. Seokjin raised a brow as Namjoon handed them over. Jungkook didn't even notice since he was too focused on giving Seokjin tiny pigtails.

"There!" Jungkook grinned.

"Jungkook-a, you got mail." Seokjin grabbed it and raised it up for the boy behind him. Jungkook's bunny like smile shrank as he saw the letters. That wasn't a good sign. But he also looked just as confused as everybody else in the room.

"From who?" Jungkook grabbed them, flipping through each of them.

"Do you have an idea on why they could be sending you mail?" Namjoon came off as intimidating. Jungkook looked up at the silver hair with big black eyes.

"No..." Jungkook slowly lowered his head to look at the letters again. He ripped one open and quickly scanned over it. His eyes widened slightly before he put it to the side. He ripped another one open, then another one, and another one. His mouth was gaping open in shock at this point and he didn't know how to start. Namjoon waited for answers while Seokjin was more patient.

"Jungkook. What do they say?" Namjoon took a step closer.

"...t-they want me to audition for their company to become a trainee." Jungkook couldn't believe the words leaving his mouth. Jimin and Taehyung looked panicked while the older trainees only shared looks of addlement.

"But Jungkookie is already in a company!" Taehyung frowned.

"Yeah! He's off limits now!" Jimin shouted.

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