Seriously Love You

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Taehyung Mini-Bonus Ending

"You're such a sweetheart, Tae!"

"He's so kind. Are you sure you want to take this task? Because we can—"

"Trust me. I got this!" Taehyung brought his hand up to his head as if he was a soldier. He nodded confidently, the lunch ladies continuing to swoon over him.

The debut party ended about thirty minutes ago. All staff and heroes worked together on cleaning up the cafeteria. People cheered and went on home when they were done. The now debuted heroes already went to bed. They were too tired to stay up any later. Plus, tomorrow is going to be an even bigger day for all of you. Once it's tomorrow, all of you can freely fight crime or even get called to a scene. That was pretty exciting and it made your heart pound. Finally, you've accomplished your dream. The others felt exactly the same way as you did. None of you could stop talking about it after you guys came back down from the roof top.

Seokjin was able to prove to himself that his power is important. Despite only having a single power, Seokjin has learned how to properly use it. He's raised his time limit almost to an entire minute! That's such great progress! Yoongi and you also had a lot of things to look forward to. There's no real hero out there that kids could look up to with 'bad' powers. The public will finally look at your type of powers in a brighter light. Hoseok's hard work of endless auditions paid off. His smiles are a lot bigger these days. Then Namjoon was proving himself to be a strong leader. It was thanks to him that the meaning of a hero had finally been restored as well as changed. Jimin got to be a hero on his own terms and discovered what was good for him. Jungkook was doing what made him happy and had freedom over his life. No one could be happier.

Then there was Taehyung. You could never forget about him. Out of everyone, you think he's worked the hardest to get where he has. He entered the company with no grip over his powers whatsoever. It ate at him and you were there to witness his struggle. He was the first friend you made at the company and he trusted you to help him with his power even when you had no idea what you were doing. Taehyung has endless kindness to spare. He's definitely meant to be a hero. With the help of Namjoon and encouragement of his friends, he was able to get a grip of powers. Not to mention, you were even there when he found out about his second power.

Taehyung is a flower that bloomed late. He meant everything to his teammates and had won the hearts of the staff. Especially the lunch ladies. He had a place in Hoon-ssi's heart, but you have to say Namjoon mainly takes Hoon-ssi's love. Speaking of the hearts Taehyung has managed to win'd be lying if you said he didn't have a special place in your heart. Something about Taehyung has finally gotten to you. With all the drama of Reaper gone, you let yourself relax and it wasn't long before you found yourself crushing over Taehyung. It made you look back over the months to see how sweetly he treated you. Taehyung would worry over you, always want to make you laugh, and did his best to get along with Yoongi for you when they used to fight.

Kim Taehyung shot his arrow into your heart and it's just now that you've noticed the ache in your chest when you see him. Seeing his cute boxy smile brightens your day more than it should. For the longest time, you refused to acknowledge the crush. You wanted to continue staying friends. Why ruin a perfectly good friendship with emotions? Gross. Almost two weeks passed until Taehyung noticed how miserable you were. He told you whatever was making you hurt, he would fight it away. He wanted you smiling again. If he ain't the cutest thing then you don't know what is.

"How can we ever repay you?"

"You guys already do so much for me. Don't worry about it!" Taehyung waved them off. He ushered them towards the door, insisting that he'll take responsibility of cleaning up in the kitchen. It was by the time that most of the staff and heroes had left that the lunch ladies remembered the mess in the kitchen. Dishes had to be washed, floors swept, and mopped. The usual protocol in the kitchen. It was still a lot to take on for one single person. That's where you come in.

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