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Training was going to be light today. The reason being that two of the trainees were injured and have yet to be checked by a doctor. Namjoon brought everyone into the gym instead of the training room. Yoongi stood behind Seokjin who was doing a bench press. While Seokjin's face was red, Yoongi lazily spotted the male so he didn't hurt himself. It just didn't look like Yoongi was paying attention too much to the blonde. Hoseok was doing a bench press while you spotted him. He repeatedly gave you a charming wink every time he brought the bar up. You giggled in amusement before noticing that Yoongi was paying even less attention to Seokjin who was struggling to bring the bar up again. Worriedly staring at the eldest trainee, you watched his arms slowly sink down. His eyes widening in panic while Yoongi only put his hands into his pockets.

"YOONGI." Seokjin growled just before the bar started pressing on his neck. Yoongi suddenly became aware of where he was. He helped the male bring the bar back up and ignored the look Namjoon was giving him.

Speaking of Namjoon, he stood behind Jungkook. The maknae had the most weights attached to his bar because of his power. Namjoon was using his natural strength but also his telekinesis to help spot Jungkook. The brunette was hands down the strongest out of all of you. Since Namjoon couldn't spare a second to scold Yoongi, he returned his focus to the boy pushing up with all his might. Jungkook's hands were trembling a good amount as he raised the bar up. Furrowing your brows, you couldn't quite understand why Jungkook looked like he was struggling. He was only holding 800 lbs. That was something he could easily handle. Hoseok set down his bar and sat up to watch the maknae in suspicion. He panted in confusion and Seokjin did the same. Namjoon had noticed it too and began bringing the bar back to let the maknae rest.

"W-Wait!" Jungkook shouted. "I can do it! Why are you pulling it back?"

"Something's off, Jungkook." Namjoon took a hold of Jungkook's arm to examine it. He looked fine, but yesterday you did notice how tired his arms were. They drooped down and you didn't know why until he explained the incident with the villain yesterday. "Have you become aware of your limits yet?"

"No. I'm fine." Jungkook pulled his arm back. "Trust me. I can do this."

"...I'll have you sit out with Jimin and Taehyung. Shin Hoon will bring the doctor in here shortly," Namjoon said. There was no fighting him. Jungkook huffed and walked over to the wall the two boys were sitting at. Since Taehyung and Jimin got a little more beat up, they were free of training for today. Once the doctor tells Namjoon what's up, he'll decided whether they get to rest a little longer or not. Taehyung had a band aid on his face while Jimin's limp got better. He was no longer hunching over either.

"How long is he gonna take?" Jungkook frowned as he slid down the wall.

"Where's Shin Hoon? Can I go looking for him?" Taehyung smiled.

"No." Namjoon shook his head.

"I'll go with him." Jimin poked his head up.


"Ugh." Jungkook groaned.

"The three of you are acting like babies." Hoseok chuckled. "Just wait patiently."

"Easy for you to say," Jungkook mumbled. You walked towards the boys, sitting down with them. Meanwhile they pouted, you were really excited to see Hoon-ssi.

Yoongi walked around the bench to sit down next to Seokjin. Namjoon did the same, sitting next to Hoseok and allowing a five-minute break. Namjoon looked at everyone in the room to see if everything was okay. Seokjin survived his near death experience and still had his head attached to his body. Yoongi wasn't getting too strong of a glare from his blonde friend. Hoseok was happily humming next to Namjoon. Then the boys next to you were squirming and doing their best to be patient. Once Namjoon and you made eye contact, you instantly smiled. It was no longer awkward between the two of you. Thank god it wasn't. It was quite the opposite now actually.

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