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"What do we do!?" You whispered to Taehyung. He stayed behind the wall, watching with a furious gaze. You're surprised they haven't felt it.

It was getting harder and harder to watch. Baldy lifted Yoongi higher up into the air with a disgusting smirk on his face. How could him and his friends think this was okay? Even if they were drunk, they had to know! They all chuckled to see Yoongi stop fighting back. It looked like Yoongi had given up on barking and had his tail between his legs. That's what they wanted. It was too tortuous to just witness. The two of you had to do something. The thing that annoyed you was that Taehyung didn't want to run into the scene just yet. What was he waiting for!? Biting your lip, you glared at Baldy who wiggled his fingers for enjoyment. Yoongi had his eyes closed as if he was accepting his fate. There's no way he's going to get harmed any longer. Just seeing all these new bruises hurt you too much.

"Make a tranquilizer. Can you do that?" Taehyung turned to face you.

"I think so..." You stepped back to lift up your shirt.

Taehyung eyes widened, instantly looking around to see if anyone was watching. It might have looked like you were flashing Taehyung, but only your stomach was showing. You weren't trying to rip your nice exercise tank top at the moment. You'd rather not fight three large men in just a sports bra after this. It's already cold enough. Taehyung's entire face was red as he blurted out questions. 'What are you doing!?' was the main one. It wasn't until the sparkles and bright light appeared that Taehyung realized what you were doing. The tranquilizer began to slowly exit from your body. As this happened, you peeked to see what was going on with Yoongi. He scrunched his face tighter as Baldy teased the boy. Baldy kept pretending he was going to hit his face, so he wouldn't know which time it was going to be the real thing. His drunk friends were laughing their butts off.

"Come on, come on," Taehyung whispered as the tranquilizer was getting close to finishing. He was too scared to pull it out from your stomach. He wanted to wait until it fell into his hands which was a wise idea. You had to learn the hard way when you were younger. If you pull it out too fast, the whole weapon disintegrates instantly. It soon landed in Taehyung's hand and he smiled.

"Wait, give it to me. I have better aim," You said as he nodded.

"Right!" He handed it over to you.

The moment it was in your arms, Taehyung pushed you closer to the wall. You closed one eye as you aimed it towards Baldy's neck. Without wasting another second, you shot it just as Baldy was about to actually hit Yoongi's face. Baldy jolted to the side, missing Yoongi's face. He used his hand to keep him standing against a brick wall instead. You swallowed hard once seeing even the brick wall getting affected. Yoongi was dropped onto the ground in an instance, but since he was so injured, he didn't get up to escape. He grunted once his body made contact with the cold floor. Yoongi stayed down, groaning in pain and shivering from the cold. Baldy began to slide down the wall as he became unconscious. His friends stood in shock, wondering what the hell was going on. A smirk came on your face until one of them spotted you with the tranquilizer gun in your hands.

Taehyung pulled you back the second one of the guys marched towards you. He lifted his hand and that was as much as you could see. Taehyung's taller figure blocked the view, but you understood what he did once the man began screaming in panic. The man ran before tripping onto the ground. He was covering his eyes and screaming about the things he could see. Taehyung was then grabbed by the heavy breather. Your heart almost stopped. Heavy breather quickly grabbed Taehyung and tossed him onto the ground. Gritting your teeth, you held your hand out as a taser formed. As if you're going to let them hurt your friends any longer. Heavy breather was about to start punching Taehyung recklessly. He thought the purple haired boy was responsible for taking out two of his friends. Inaccurate.

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