Closer Together

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"That hurts." Jungkook winced.

"Probably not as much as hitting a wall though." You sighed, dabbing the cotton on his knuckles.

The blood was washed away, but you still needed to disinfect it. You could have easily brought Jungkook to Dr. Ahn, but that would involve questions and you doubt Jungkook was willing to answer. He hadn't said much since you caught him punching a wall like a maniac. He seemed to be in the middle of a bad frenzy when you found him. Jungkook just wanted to be held in your arms for the first ten minutes. He refused to move and clutched onto you. You tried getting some information out of him, but the only thing he could say was 'I'm sorry'. Maybe even a 'no' but that wasn't really helpful. Though you wanted to respect Jungkook's boundaries, you wanted to know just one thing. It could be anything! Like why he ran out of the room. If you knew that information, then it would probably explain why he was so upset to start attacking the wall.

Jungkook scrunched his face to feel another sting. He tried pulling his hand away, but you only pulled it back. You weren't close to done yet. After disinfecting his knuckles, you were going to wrap it for him to wear. The skin on his knuckles were open and bleeding less. The sight would probably make you cringe if you weren't used to it already. Being a hero involves seeing some unpretty sights. This was nothing. One time in middle school, two boys were messing around with their powers. Despite getting told to stop, one ended up breaking his rib. It was a pretty nasty break too. It slightly poked out of his stomach and he had to rushed to the hospital fast. You've clearly seen worse. Jungkook hung his head low as you moved around in the bathroom.

His eyes watched you grab the gauze. He continued to hold up his hand for you which was nice. The wrap wasn't going to be that nice, but it would work. Enough for him to not over use his hand and for any blood to just soak into the wrap. You still couldn't believe Jungkook was punching a concrete wall with everything he had in him. That's insane. He's lucky he didn't break his hand. He mostly has fractures now though. The ones in his arms have healed thankfully. Shaking your head, you sighed as you thought about all this boy's actions. He acts so recklessly at times. Jungkook relies on his powers a lot. Namjoon's right when he tells Jungkook to use his brain when fighting. It could get Jungkook killed and even Dr. Ahn told Jungkook that over exerting himself would be the end of his powers.

Out of all the trainees, you believe that Jungkook shows constant love for what he's doing. Others occasionally complain or shine when the action is happening. Jungkook glows even when he does a push up. He's training to raise his strength up. Just doing that little task already has him thinking about the future. That's something you've noticed about him. When the two of you had pre-training together, he could do the exercises easily but always made sure to do more or make it harder for himself. Jungkook doesn't mess around when it comes to his dream of becoming a hero. The only thing you wish he would focus on was thinking logically. He can't keep throwing his fists and hoping that'll work. Jungkook needs to learn how to figure out the situation first and act on that.

"There." You patted his hand.

"Thanks..." Jungkook retracted his hand. He rubbed it, holding his hand gently. "It just kind of happened."

"Jungkook—no." You pursed your lips. You wanted to bite down on your tongue and just let him go, but you couldn't stand it. He can't let things like that just happen again with no control. His power his equally dangerous as it is helpful. "You can't just say that just happened out of nowhere. Take a deep breath and collect yourself. You ended up hurting yourself from whatever upset you. That's not good."

"...I didn't mean to hurt myself." Jungkook's eyes stayed on his lap. He was sitting on the counter in the bathroom while you stood in front of him. He wasn't going anywhere now. You're going to scold the maknae and teach him a lesson.

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