Bath & Practice

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"This is nice." You closed your eyes, letting your body sink into the warm water.

Namjoon let everyone out of training early. He was getting prepared for going outside today. Hoon-ssi quickly completed Namjoon's request. The uniforms were adjusted and new shoes were ordered for all of you to wear. While he handled that business, you decided to take a relaxing hot bath. It's kind of nice having the girl's bath all to yourself. The only thing that sucks is not having someone who can scrub your back for you. The only other trainees are male and there is no way in hell you're asking them to do that favor for you. Not even Yoongi who you're the closest too. A small chuckle left your lips at that. He would be too awkward. You also don't think he would be that good at scrubbing. Maybe Seokjin would be better? Either way, you'll just go without it.

The steam was rising in the room so your skin out of the water didn't feel too cold. The water was relatively calm since you weren't moving around wildly. Whenever you took a bath, you made sure it was a relaxing one. Forgetting your worst moments like yesterday. Calling Namjoon your 'oppa' was embarrassing. The both of you screamed internally and agreed never to bring it up again. This was your time to heat up in hopes to forget that memory completely. Yesterday was an interesting day for the two of you in particular. Namjoon was actually getting kind of mad at you for bringing up his hidden personality issue. You sank lower in the water, staring up at the ceiling. You probably shouldn't push it anymore.

Bringing your hand up to your face, you rubbed your eyes and sighed. Time to forget your stress about two of your favorite boys fighting with each other. Taehyung and Yoongi were still hostile towards each other. Not so much Taehyung as it was Yoongi. So far it's been mainly passive aggressive. It's always initiated by Yoongi and lately, Taehyung hasn't been fighting back as hard as he used to. He's starting to keep quiet as Yoongi makes little comments. Pulling your head underwater, you let out scream to get it off your chest. Right after you had to bring your head up and cough out water. That wasn't the smartest idea, but it did make you feel better about what has been going on.

"What's going on over there??" A voice shouted. You yelped lowering your body in the water, covering yourself just in case. The voice was clearly Jungkook's.

"Jungkook!!" You turned your head around. "Where are you!?"

"Hi (F/n)!" Jimin's sweet voice called out.

"We're taking a bath too!" Taehyung yelled. "I didn't know the walls were so thin though."

"Oh..." A sigh of relief left your lips. You stopped covering yourself as you brought yourself closer to the wall to speak with them. "I thought Jungkook was being a pervert."

"No!" Jungkook got defensive.

"I'm surprised you didn't hear us. Jungkook was trying to swim around," Jimin said as you snorted. You were already picturing it in your head.

"He was splashing around and making a mess." Taehyung laughed.

"Guys! Shut up!" Jungkook huffed. You could imagine the boy red in the face, lowering himself in the water.

"Are you almost done with your bath, (F/n)?" Jimin questioned.

"Just about." You lifted your hand, seeing it beginning to prune. It was a habit of yours to just sit in the water for centuries. That's why having no one in here really helped. They wouldn't rush you during your soak time. Though right now you weren't that alone. Being able to talk to the boys was nice. Suddenly, you heard hushed whispers and water getting splashed around. What were those idiots doing? "Everything okay over there?"

"Jungkook's weird!" Taehyung sang.

"Hyung!" Jungkook must have splashed him. You heard Taehyung scream and a large amount of water hitting the tiles.

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