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Taehyung's P.O.V.


Time felt like it had stopped. I never wanted them to find out, but it was inevitable I guess. It hurts me a lot to see that face on Namjoon. Some of his personality his slipping through the cracks. That's what's killing me the most. I never wanted to disappoint anyone, but that can't be helped either. That should be my true power. How did I even get into Big Hit? There's no way I deserve to be a trainee here. Out there in the real world, there are much better talents out there. Kids out there who know what they're doing with their talents. But for me, I'm absolutely clueless. Not only am I letting down my team, Big Hit, and my family, I'm letting myself down. Maybe I didn't work as hard towards gaining control over my power and this is the world finally doing what's right.

I don't want to be a downer though. I want to believe I have a place at Big Hit. Even if I have no idea what I'm doing when it comes to my power. To be honest, I'm not to most responsible person. That's probably why I don't know how to use my powers yet. It's the reason I've been caught and thrown into this mess. (F/n) was staring at me with concerned eyes. She did her best to help me figure it out. We were both trying to see what would stick. (F/n) told me from the start that she had no idea how to help me, but she tried anyway. Waking up in the middle of the night to help someone she barely even knew. I'm grateful for her and for the fact that we've managed to become friends out of it. It's nice having another friendly face around here. Especially one that I can let my guard down with.

Tightening my fists, I got myself to look Namjoon in the eyes. It took a lot of courage just to do that. Everyone was waiting for me to speak as he restated the question with a sterner tone. He almost sounded threatening. Despite making myself look our leader in the eyes, I was still at a loss for words. How am I going to explain this to him? I was somehow able to stay a trainee under Big Hit for a year without them knowing my circumstances with my power. Almost two years now. Namjoon's eyes grew more intense as the silence became prolonged. What do I say to him? How did I get here in the first place?


What was that? It was hard to understand. My little head had trouble wrapping itself around the concept. All I heard were my grandparents commenting on the news. My parents were cheering at the screen as I came over in confusion. Little round brows furrowed together as I stared at the screen. The camera seemed to be moving all over the place. Was an earth quake happening!? That didn't make sense though. The place they were at was only an hour away. We would have felt something, right? I don't know, but I'm currently learning about earth quakes in school right now. Mom suddenly gasped, covering her eyes in fear. That automatically made me panic. What was making her scared? My eyes went back to the TV screen to see someone hurting another person.

I didn't like that.

I may only be eight, but every adult tells me not to hurt others. Grandma especially yells at me if she catches me hitting my younger brother. Even if he deserves it. I puffed out my bottom lip as screams came out from the TV. Was this actually happening? I didn't like that it was scaring Mom. Running to the screen, I threw my fist at the mean looking one. It didn't do anything though. That's when the one on the ground got up. They started to get in the lead which was earning cheers from the people. Dad told Mom that it was okay now. She looked up from her hands, smiling again. That meant things were okay now. The one that Mom seemed to like was winning. Everyone was one on his side. That was so cool. Then my eyes widened when I saw him shoot something out of his hands. Almost like a laser that stung the bad one. Instead of listening to the person narrating the fight, I continued to watch as the bully got a hit on the good guy.

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