Two, Three

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The door was shut behind Yoongi. The clenching feeling he had gotten in his gut was still there after witnessing you give Taehyung a kiss. A small one. An innocent one. But his brain was telling him that is wasn't. A lot of guys are around you and he's already seen the effects of it. He had no idea when he started feeling this way. It just randomly happened and he hated finding you in suspicious situations with the other trainees. That's reasonable, right? Like when Taehyung was in your room. Yoongi's jaw tightened at the memory. Then when Jimin and you had your hands all over each other. What was that about? Maybe those two were the only moments he got the chance to see. Were there others?

The black haired boy shook those thoughts off. He brought a slender hand up to his hair, playing with the few blue strands he had. Taehyung was laying in his bed and yawning. The younger boy stared at Yoongi who grabbed a chair in the room to sit down on. Yoongi hadn't said anything from the second he entered Taehyung's room. The air wasn't awkward like Taehyung would have expected. There was just a lot to unpack between the two of them and they were both ready to do so. Yoongi sighed as he got comfortable, glancing at the clock that reminded him of the painful schedule ahead of them. Despite the events of tonight, everything would proceed as normal tomorrow. That way Bang PD doesn't start asking questions for acting out of the normal. At least the three youngest had an excuse not to train. Yoongi just wanted to sleep in.

"Hi hyung." Taehyung sat up a bit in his bed.

"Hey kid...why'd you run?" Yoongi went straight to the point. "I'd rather you tell me 'f*ck you' then do all that. You had us all so worried."

"...I see." Taehyung chuckled. "I mean, I would never say that to you though."

"Next time then?" Yoongi grinned. He knew himself well enough to know that he'd mess up in the future. Their personalities contrasted so much that it was impossible for them not to bump heads with each other later on.

"Sure." Taehyung grinned.

"Sorry for the words I said." Yoongi rubbed his hands together. "But I know why you ran away. You understood what I meant, right?"

"...a little." Taehyung looked down at his lap.

"There's no fooling me. If anything, I'm the best at feeling like sh*t about myself." Yoongi smirked. Taehyung chuckled slightly, noticing the similar humor between you and his hyung. "Don't sweat it."

"I just don't want to fail anyone." Taehyung sighed.

"Then don't." Yoongi shrugged.

"Sure?" Taehyung gripped his blanket, doing his best to smile. The advice he was given wasn't the best. He didn't even know what to do with that. The two of them then stayed in silence. Yoongi straightened his posture, wondering if he should leave now to let the boy rest. There was just one thing bothering him though. You weren't going to come clean to him. At least that's how he felt. He wanted to know the true relationship between you and Taehyung.

"So...what's your relationship with (F/n)?" Yoongi didn't beat around the bush. Taehyung was surprised at the sudden question but was more than happy to answer it.

"We're best friends!" Taehyung grinned. He thought of all the things you've done for him. Helping him at midnight and doing your best to comfort him when he's down. Yoongi's eye twitched at that though.

"Jimin is your best friend though." Yoongi's brows knitted together.

"They're both my best friends." Taehyung continued to smile. It was beginning to grow on Yoongi's nerves.

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