Hell On Earth

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No one wasted time getting into their resistant uniforms. Never have you been more happy to put the pink uniform on. It wasn't as bright as it used to be, but a little splash of color didn't hurt anybody. Seeing color always excited you. This place was so plain that you felt tempted in going to Bang PD yourself just to have it changed. This time Seokjin didn't barge into your room which was nice. The male in the dark green uniform patiently waited outside before bringing you out with the others. Yoongi in stood in his navy-blue uniform, Namjoon in silver, Hoseok in dark red, Taehyung in dark purple, and Jungkook in black. Jimin was the poor soul who was left wearing white. The good thing though is that the color isn't as in your face as it used to be. Before he could match with the walls at Big Hit. Now his uniform was toned down a couple notches since Hoon-ssi didn't want Jimin getting spotted quickly in the darkness. Still, all of you had to be able to identify each other and find one another. Jungkook was the only one who could hide in the darkness completely.

Hoseok was already striking poses in his uniform. Taehyung cheered him on and Seokjin immediately joined in. Since Namjoon was doing one last check up on his phone, he didn't tell them to stop. Yoongi looked away from the sight. He must have not enjoyed seeing Seokjin do a slut drop. You giggled nonstop, especially when Jimin and Jungkook counted down to do it at the same time. Namjoon got a quick glimpse of Hoseok doing it when he looked up from his phone. The male immediately looked back to his phone screen, slightly scrunching his nose. Never have you seen Namjoon use so much strength to avoid making a noticeable reaction. The boys were having so much fun in their uniforms. Finally seeing them all getting excited together warmed your heart. You just wished a certain someone would join in.

"You should give a shot." You nudged Yoongi who instantly looked at you like you were crazy. He was both horrified and in disbelief.

"You want me—" Yoongi pointed at Hoseok dancing crazily, using a lot of hip movement. "—to do that?"

"Not necessarily that. I mean, unless you can do it." You grinned.

Yoongi shook his head right away. That's no fun. It'd be hilarious to see grumpy Yoongi getting silly with the others. He's only ever become a goof ball around you a few times in the past. It's been a while especially with everything that has been going on. Having this moment to just act like idiots was refreshing. You felt tempted to join the boys in dancing but didn't want to make them uncomfortable. Them doing suggestive dance moves versus you doing it gave off a different vibe. That's too bad. Anyway! Namjoon shoved his phone into his back pocket and immediately told all the boys to line up. Most of them listened, but he had to use his telekinesis to move Jungkook in line. That boy got a little too into it. At the same time though, he could teach you a thing or two.

"Follow me. Hoon-ssi is bringing the car around. He's going to drive us there and leave since I don't want him sticking around that area." Namjoon stood straight. Everyone nodded in agreement. Hoon-ssi was powerless and having him around would only bring danger to him. "If anything goes wrong, but you're able to go away then you should do so. I will stay with who is ever in danger no matter what."

Everyone must have felt the same way at that moment. Just hearing that from Namjoon, you felt that was very brave of him. It established who he was as a leader. But there's no way you would ever leave someone behind. Even if you were free to do so. You'd fight to your last breath and hopefully the others around you would do the same. They'll learn too. There was a sense of comradery in the air though. Other trainees glanced at one another through the corner of their eyes. Friendships were already being formed that they knew they couldn't leave people behind. Namjoon continued on with the rules. To follow him, listen to his orders, and to not get separated. These orders applied to you too despite Bang PD planning to debut you as a solo. For now, all of you were a team that Namjoon chose to be responsible for. No matter what he would have your backs, so you knew you would always have his too. Unconditionally.

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