Lost Leaf

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Jimin's P.O.V.


Someone like me isn't meant to be a hero. Just because I have powers doesn't mean anything. Was I fool to believe again that I had a chance to impact the world? As if landing light as a feather is going to help me change lives. But I know that's only me thinking negatively. It's harder to pull myself away from these thoughts. I dug myself a hole so deep that I can't even escape it. Trying to avoid these thoughts and climb out of the hole only helps me bury myself further in them. It's suffocating. There is no positive way in seeing things. A real villain took a hold of the situation.

We're screwed. No one can call for real heroes. We're downtown where not many heroes are readily available to help those in need. I swallowed hard as the villain began to play around, showing everyone what he was capable of. At this point I had to close my eyes tightly. I couldn't handle Jungkook's big black eyes staring at me. As his hyung, I wanted to handle this in the best way possible, but I would only be useless. Then Bang PD was watching the two of us, expecting Jungkook and I to bounce into action. The only time we ever practiced with the real deal was a complete disaster. And who's fault was that? None other than me. Taehyung hadn't come out of the alleyway which made me grow worried. How badly hurt was he? How was Taehyung going to explain an injury like that to Namjoon?

"I'm so sorry..." I mumbled. No one could hear me, but it echoed through my head. They weren't just words. I felt regret as my heart pounded against my chest. To everyone here who came here just to enjoy their weekend. My mistakes like this will continue to follow me and take down those around me. When will I learn?


I'm Park Jimin. I have the Park last name and I hate it. Well, hate is a strong word so I might have to take that back. I don't know. It's hard to think for myself. Mom is usually doing it for me. She doesn't want me overthinking things or whatever. She tends to get anxious over the little things and I think it rubbed off on me. Anytime I got to school, I never know who my real friend is. Older kids tend to talk to me, but they never want to be my friend. They like my last name or at least who I've gotten it from. Ever since I could remember, being a Park was always ingrained into my head. Kids my age should be playing with their friends. Instead I'm sitting in my room with my door locked as my Mom yells through the door. She wants me to come out for dinner, but I know what the conversation will turn into.

Why do I hate being Park Jimin? Other kids would love to be in my shoes, but they don't know the stress of having strong expectations on you even before birth. My family on my mother's side is well known for being heroes. From my great grandfather to my aunt. Not my Mom though. She wanted to be a hero, but her powers are too weak. They're not capable of doing much according my grandfather who had a strict upbringing to be the best. That style of raising kids hasn't changed. Mom has pushed her dreams onto me the minute she dreamed of having kids. This unfair and unwanted pressure might crush me someday. Especially now that I'm twelve. I turned it just a few days ago and I'm becoming more aware of things.

I can't hide anymore. School is forced by the government to do power checkups on us and my body can't lie to the doctors. More like scientists though. They have creepy smiles on their faces when they get to inspect me. Adults whispering around me that I'm the grandson of a classic hero. Oh, as well as nephew and great grandson. My family tree seems to be rooted into society and in the minds of people. It overwhelms me with burden. When people look at me, they see the tree I am from instead of the leaf that I am. And being from a family of such well known heroes, it's inevitable that people look at me with expectations. Everyone in my family is waiting to find out my powers but first the doctors have to inspect me and when they do, they'll find out. A message will be sent to my family and there's nothing I can do about it.

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