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It was morning, Klaus, his siblings, Caroline and Elena were now at the airport.

"Where are the rest of your hybrids so we can go?" Kol asked annoyed.

"They won't come with us. We are going on my private jet."

"Why aren't we going with them?" Elena asked.

"Don't worry, sweetheart. Thanks to Caroline's idea, I have no intend of killing you or hurting you. Of course if you decide to break your part of the deal, I'll rethink about not hurting you." Klaus said to Elena.

"Niklaus, Miss Gilbert showed me more than once that she doesn't break her word, no need to keep threatening her." Elijah said.

"Thank you, Elijah. And call me Elena..."

"Yeah, since we are forced to live together, better end with the formality." Caroline mumbled.

"Love, you need to be careful with that sharp tongue of yours. Simply because I agreed with this pact of yours, doesn't mean I will deal with your bad behavior."

"The last time I checked we were in a place that had a little thing called freedom of speech. Since you don't let me use my freedom to be where I want, I will use the freedom of speech because I won't let you and your big bad hybrid attitude to silence me." Caroline said, not showing any fear of the original hybrid.

"Love, we might have made a pact but believe me that you don't want to be on my bad side." Klaus said and called the pilot of his jet to see when was ready.

Klaus couldn't help but look at Caroline as he talked on the phone, thinking about how much he enjoyed to see Caroline being fierce and showing the fire he had in her. He knew there was more to her than she let it see, and he wanted to find out. He didn't know why but he did enjoy how Caroline was so brave and didn't show any fear, but he couldn't let that be known so people wouldn't start to make assumptions or think he liked to be disobeyed to.

"Let's go! Charles is ready." Klaus said and they all followed him to his jet.

"Did we really had to come so soon?" Rebekah mumbled because it was very early in the morning.

"I want to get their in a reasonable hour to figure out what is going on in the city." Klaus said.


They were all tired, Rebekah was watching tv because she never could fall asleep in a plane, Kol was listening to music, Klaus was making a list of things he needed to do in his mind.

Elijah noticed Elena falling asleep in the couch, so he got up from his seat, quietly grabbed her and took her to one of the bedrooms of the jet because she was human and he knew how uncomfortable was to fall asleep in the chairs of the plane, even when its couches of private jets.

"What? Where am I?" Elena asked when felt herself being covered with a blanket.

"What? Where am I?" Elena asked when felt herself being covered with a blanket

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"We are still in the private jet. I noticed you fall asleep, so I took you to this bedroom so you could be more comfortable. We still have a few hours until we get there." Elijah whispered.

"You have a private jet with a room? How rich are you?" Elena whispered, making Elijah laugh quietly.

"I can't complain."

"Thank you for the bed. But don't you want to use it? I'm just a guest... who isn't completely okay with this trip."

"I know. I am truly sorry about this. My brother is focus on power and getting back the town, he sometimes forgets to think about others." Elijah whispered, feeling disappointed with how far his brother was able to go just because of a throne, being very different from the man he once was when they were human.

"It's okay. At least he won't kill me." Elena smiled still feeling sleepy.

"Get some sleep, Elena." Elijah whispered and gave a peck on her forehead. "Sweet dreams."

Elijah went back to his seat and noticed Klaus staring at him

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Elijah went back to his seat and noticed Klaus staring at him.

"Niklaus, if you have something to say it, just say it."

"I am just wondering if you can really fall in love with a doppelgänger for the third time. If you can really let a doppelgänger get in the middle of us for the third time."

"I have no idea what you are talking about, Niklaus. I simply took her to the bedroom because she was sleeping and she's human, she's more vulnerable than us."

"You better not let another doppelgänger get in the middle of our plans." Klaus said and Elijah left to another place of the jet where was the alcohol.

" Klaus said and Elijah left to another place of the jet where was the alcohol

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"You didn't need to talk with Elijah that way. You know he would never betray you, right?" Caroline said, getting up from her armchair and seating next to Klaus, but she noticed how tense he was. "Oh my God! You don't even trust your own brother. Elijah is the one who keeps your wants in first place. He clearly does everything he can to make you all be a close family. He loves you."

"Why are you so defensive of my brother?"

"I'm not being defensive of anyone. I just think you should open your eyes and see not everyone is plotting against you. I understand you not trust my friends nor me but you have to trust at least your siblings. Everyone needs someone they can confide in." Caroline whispered.

"After being betrayed as many times I was, it's easy to stop believing people and preferring to be alone."

"You don't want to be alone..." Caroline whispered, making him look at her, not knowing how she could be so certain of that. "If you wanted to be alone, you wouldn't feel the need to make creatures like you, nor would you dagger your siblings every time they tried to leave you."

Klaus was at complete shock with how correct Caroline was about him, not understanding how she was able to see right through him when he spend so many years putting walls that would protect him from people trying to figure him out.

"No one wants to be alone, Klaus..." Caroline whispered, resting her head in his shoulder and quickly falling asleep.

"Sweet dreams, love." Klaus whispered and kissed the top of her head, feeling her snuggling to him, which made him smirk to himself.

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