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It was a difficult morning in the French Quarter, they were all still processing and trying to handle Davina's death.

Kol decided to make some pancakes and orange juice to try to comfort Bonnie, because he knew Bonnie cared deeply about Davina and was hurting. Once Kol knocked on the door, Bonnie opened and closed the door again.

"Come on, darling! I made you some breakfast." Kol said as he knock on the door, making her open the door again.

"Kol, thank you but I just want to be alone, right now. So... just leave me alone."

"Darling, you need to eat... And I'm here for you." Kol said.

"I don't deserve your support nor anyone's. I deserve to be alone hurting."

"What? Why? What makes you even think like that?" Kol asked confused and shocked with the way Bonnie was thinking.

"Because this was all my fault. Davina trusted me, I tried to convince her that doing the sacrifice would be alright because she would come back and now... Now, where is she?! If I knew this would happen, I would take her far away from New Orleans... I would try to get her to some place safe."

"Bonnie, this wasn't your fault. You had no way to know this would happen. The ones we can blame is the bloody ancestors. It was their plan to make the sacrifice to bring back the girls but now they are dead and no one is back. The ancestors just do what the bloody hell they wish." Kol said upset.

"Why would they do this? They were all so young... They had an entire life ahead of them." Bonnie started to sob, which made Kol instinctively hug her.

"I know you think it's better for you to be alone, but I'm not leaving you, especially when you are feeling down

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"I know you think it's better for you to be alone, but I'm not leaving you, especially when you are feeling down." Kol said and once they broke the hug, he gave her a peck on her forehead.


Klaus woke up without Caroline by his side, which worried him, but he sensed her scent was still in the house and found her on Davina's old room, grabbing a t-shirt.

"Good morning, love." Klaus said.

"Good morning? Davina is gone! How can it be a good morning?" She said upset and Klaus just look down, not knowing what to say, letting Caroline keep talking. "She was so young... so full of life. I know we saw her sacrificing herself, but part of me was hoping that once we would wake up she would be back... That the ancestors just took longer than usual..."


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