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Caroline was packing her things in a spare room the hybrids had and she was trying to focus on organizing and cleaning the room instead of thinking about Klaus, what he did and how much it affect her.

She was putting in the wardrobe some tops and t-shirts, when she noticed that one of the t-shirts was what she was wearing when she turned into a werewolf.


Caroline was driving with her boyfriend Tyler next to her. They were going to her place when, suddenly she heard a big pitch noise.

"What's that? Can you hear it?" Caroline asked, having now a big headache.

"Caroline... Stop!"

"I... I can't..." Caroline said, closing her eyes in pain and before she knew it, there was a crash.

Next thing she knows, it's morning and she's in the hospital, seeing her mother seating in a chair next to the bed.

"Wha-What happened?" Caroline asked, feeling a bit confused, then she remembered the car crash, making her start to panic. "Tyler... Where's Tyler? How is he? I need to see him."

"Honey, Hey... You- You should rest." Her mother suggested.

"Rest? I can't do that before I know how is Tyler. I know you didn't like him but he is my boyfriend and I love him." Caroline said, trying to convince her mother to let her see Tyler.

"You need to know something but first you need to take a deep breath and try to calm down." Liz said.

"Okay... What happened?" Caroline asked, not sure if she wanted to know the answer.

 What happened?" Caroline asked, not sure if she wanted to know the answer

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"Tyler... He didn't make it. It was already too late when the ambulance got there. I'm so sorry, sweetie." Liz said with an apologetic look.

"No! He can't be..." Caroline said in tears. "It's all my fault. I should have let him drive but I was too stubborn to listen to him. I killed him."

"These things happen. You didn't kill him. It was an accident. Nobody could predict this would happen." Liz said.

"You weren't there. How can you say it was an accident?"

"Because you weren't in full control. You were in transition." Liz said.

*End Of Flashback*

She felt that was the day her life completely change, she had to learn how to control herself, how to control her temper, how to control her strength... That was the day she decided she couldn't afford to lose control ever again.

Caroline decided to start cleaning the room to try to forget about everything, so she grabbed a few cleaning products and started to clean the room. She was now cleaning the door when she started to think about the time she knock on the door of a certain person.

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