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Elena was with Elijah in the living room, they were both reading their respective books but every other minute Elena would stop to look at Elijah and reassure herself that he was alright.

"Elena..." Elijah said after noticing that Elena was glancing at him again for the 15th time.

"Yes?" Elena said, trying to act normal and cool.

"You know you don't need to stay here, right? I do appreciate your concern but I'm alright." Elijah said.

"I don't know what you are talking about." Elena lied.

(Gif made by -ELEJAH )

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(Gif made by -ELEJAH )

"You haven't left my side since we got some breakfast." Elijah said. "Don't take me wrong. I enjoy your company but if you need to do something or to go somewhere it's alright."

"So... you promise you'll be okay if I go to the bathroom?" Elena asked.

"Please tell me you didn't stop yourself from going to the bathroom because of me." Elijah said and Elena gave him a shy look. "You should go. It's not good to hold it."

"Okay. Thank you. And please don't die or else I won't be able to go to the bathroom without feeling guilty." Elena said and left to the bathroom, leaving a smiling Elijah.


Stefan was in Rebekah's room trying to see how she was handling all that happened in such a short time.

"Stefan, if you came here to try to play the prince, you can forget it. I'm done being some girl who needs a man to rescue her. I did that for a really long time and it never worked, only brought me pain." Rebekah said because she was trying to improve as a person but also because she was afraid that if she would open up, she would end up getting hurt, like it happened to her so many times before.

"I'm not here to play anything. And I'm not trying to rescue you. I just came here because I wanted to know how you were." Stefan said because he was truly concerned with Rebekah.

"Why? Why are you here really?" Rebekah asked, feeling suspicious.

"Because I think we do get along and even if we are no longer a couple, I still want to be there for you. Believe it or not, in the 20s I had no humanity, yet you were the one who made me feel something besides boredom or bloodlust." Stefan admitted, leaving Rebekah speechless. "Believe it or not, I care about you and I'm here with no second intentions."

"Okay. I'm sorry. I think I'm new with this whole being friends thing." Rebekah said and Stefan simply nodded to let her talk. "No matter what happens, I love all my brothers. I will love them... always and forever. But when Nik does this kind of stuff, it frightens me. What if one day I say the wrong thing and end up being the one bitten and getting hallucinations for hours?" Rebekah asked. "I know Nik loves me and our siblings but he tends to push us away and when we upset him he puts us inside his bloody coffins."

"I can't say I understand what you are going through, but I do know what's like to have a sibling doing awful things and still love him. Damon killed my best friend Lexi. Damon hurt my friends and he tried to make my life a living hell for awhile because I was the one who made him turn into a vampire... Yet, no matter what he does, I still love him." Stefan said. "I also know that it's horrible to have things bottle up, so whenever you feel that you need to talk with someone. I'm here for you."

"Thank you, Stefan. I truly appreciate it." Rebekah said and gave a peck on his cheek before he left the room.

" Rebekah said and gave a peck on his cheek before he left the room

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It was night and Klaus couldn't take anymore being in that big mansion, where Caroline would hunt his every thought. He tried to paint and do something that would distract him but he could only think about Caroline, so he then tried to drink but every place he would look, it would reminded him of Caroline, of the times she would argue with him whenever he made a decision she wouldn't agree with or when she would try to convince him to do his plans in a different way to not hurt people. Although he was mostly remembering the times they would fight and end up teasing each other and the times he would actually open up to her and she would stay by his side, not giving him pity looks or judging him but being understanding and just being a person he could confide in.

Klaus eventually decided to go to a bar, thinking that he was only unable to get distracted from his thoughts about Caroline because he was in the mansion he used to live in with her, and maybe a place filled with people and music could distract him.

"Hey! I want bourbon and don't you dare let my cup run empty without my order." Klaus said and before the bartender could say no he gave her a thousand dollar bill.

"Someone's having a bad day... Wanna talk?" She asked him as she gave him the cup and serve some bourbon, leaving the bottle next to him.

"Camille, if I wanted to talk I would be asking you for a session, I'm only interested in drinking."

"I'm still studying

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"I'm still studying." Camille said. "And I already told you, I prefer to be called Cami." She said and Klaus simply drank the bourbon and she refilled his drink. "You know I'll have to stop you once you get one too many, right?"

"I have high tolerance to alcohol." Klaus said.

"That's what everyone says." Camille said.

"Look, I get what you are trying to do. You are trying to get me to talk and try to do your phycologist magic but I'm in no mood for that. All I want is to drink." Klaus said and drank the rest of what he had on his glass, thinking about how he enjoyed having drinks with Caroline and how she would always make him laugh.

AN: Hey guys! I hope you liked this chapter and you know that if you ever have an opinion or suggestion they are always welcomed.

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