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Once Klaus and Caroline got home, Klaus took a cold shower to fresh his ideas and stop thinking about Caroline. He always believed that love is a vampires greatest weakness and, at the moment, he couldn't afford to be weak. He had to be strong so he could get his kingdom back.

Caroline was making notes of things that she was finding out about the people from Marcel's inner circle using the social media and googling about their lives. Klaus was with her, reading carefully the binder she made, impressed with how detailed and organized it was.

They were alone in his room because Klaus put in there a board he made with photos and wool string with different colors, to visualize the hierarchy what they know and what they don't know.

"I love how you did that." Caroline said, noticing how well organized the board was. "Each color means what?"

"Blue is the hierarchy of Marcel's army, grey is for the werewolves, Orange is for the witches, brown is for the humans who are aware of vampires and all that. Black is for the relationships between those factions. The red is for the things we still don't know, yellow is uncertain and green is for the things we are absolutely positive."

"There's a lot of yellow and red." Caroline whispered.

"Yes, I am very aware." Klaus said frustrated, so Caroline rest her hand on his shoulder to try to comfort him.

"It's been only a week since we got here." Caroline whispered and started to caress his curly hair, noticing he was relaxing. "It's a lot to catch up... We are doing great."

"There's things that we won't be able to know without someone in his inner circle." Klaus whispered.

"I can do it."

"No. It needs to be a vampire." Klaus whispered. "Stefan..."

"I don't think that's a good idea, Klaus. He is the ripper. With the parties Marcel makes for the vampires, I don't think he would be able to stop himself from killing someone." Caroline whispered.

"I just had an idea." Klaus smirked. "Marcellus seems very fond of Camille. I'll get information from her."

"She's just a human who doesn't know about this world." Caroline whispered, stopping caressing Klaus's hair.

"Don't worry, Love. I already have a few ideas in mind." Klaus smirked. "And no, I won't hurt her."

Caroline was happy Klaus wouldn't hurt a poor human just because of his plan of getting his throne back, so she caressed again his hair, making him smile.

"Caroline, I need you to promise me something."


"That you won't fall in love with the enemy."

"Why would I fall in love with..."

"Just promise me." Klaus said.

"I can't." Caroline said.

"Why not?" Klaus asked angry.

"Because I can't pick who I will fall in love with or not."

"Caroline, Love is a vampires greatest weakness

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"Caroline, Love is a vampires greatest weakness. We can't be weak, especially not now." Klaus said upset.

"Love is not a weakness." Caroline argued. "But I get that you are worried that I will fall for the enemy and betray you. You don't need to worry about that. I made a pact with you. I gave you my word. I will stay loyal to you."

"I'm trusting you. But you should know that I don't tolerate people who betray me. I gave you already a second chance. I could have easily kill you after you made my hybrids break the sire bond. I didn't because of our pact."

"I know..." Caroline whispered, looking down.

"I just need to make sure you nor anyone will betray me." Klaus said because he felt that along the years many people had betrayed him, which made him always get on the defense and have trust issues.

"Listen to my heart." Caroline whispered because they could see if someone was lying by their heartbeat. "I won't betray you. You can trust me."

Klaus smirked when saw she was being complete honest and grabbed two glasses and a bottle of bourbon that he had in his room.

"What's that for?"

"To celebrate our alliance." Klaus smirked as he served the bourbon, then they drank it.


Elena was in her room with Rebekah so they could talk in private.

"I just wanted to tell you that there's nothing going on between me and Stefan. I know you are here because of Klaus and his obsession with making more hybrids but I would like for us to be friends. I never had a lot of friends and I spent centuries being the only girl... I kinda want to have you, Caroline and Bonnie as friends. And I'm completely aware that the girl code says not hitting on the guy one of your friends likes." Rebekah said.

"Stefan and I are over. Our relationship is now just friendship. I don't think we will ever get back together." Elena whispered. "And I don't want you and Stefan to be unhappy because of me. Part of my happiness is to see my friends happy."

"You're a good friend, Elena." Rebekah said and hugged Elena.

"And to be completely honest with you, things between me and Stefan weren't that great. We were always breaking up and getting back together. And I can't say I'm completely over Stefan, because what we had was very intense and I still have feelings for him, but I don't think there's any future for me and Stefan."

"I won't have anything with him while you hold feelings for him. I don't want to get in another drama like that." Rebekah said.

"You know what we should do?" Elena asked to change the subject. "One of these nights we should all make a movie marathon and have some girl time."

"That would be fantastic!" Rebekah said with a big smile

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"That would be fantastic!" Rebekah said with a big smile.

Next on The Pact
"There's other ways to get information without having to put her in the middle of this."
"You think you have me all figure it out, don't you? Sorry to disappoint but you know nothing about me. And you are no one to judge me. You should keep aware of that sharp tongue of yours... I killed people for less."

AN: Hey guys! supershybug10 has a book with TVD/TO/Legacies quotes. Go check it out. 😉
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