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Klaus decided that he had to start organize things and make plans to protect his child and Caroline. He already had a list of the biggest enemies he had, not all of them because that list seemed to have no end and he wanted to focus on the ones who could be more dangerous.

And his plans started with something he has been putting on hold but now he can't, he needed to be sure his child and the mother of his child would be safe and sound, he wanted to protect them at all costs even if it would upset Caroline.

For how much intense their fights were and how much it would end up in them kissing, he still hated to fight with her, he hated to make her upset with him, but the worst thing she ever did to him was when she asked for space and spend days without talking with him, that was the biggest torture she could make him go through... And he knew what he was risking but he also felt it was more important Caroline and their baby's safety than anything else.

Klaus went to the room and looked at her, who gave him a confused look.

"Hey! What's wrong?" She said.

"I have to do this. I know what I promise but now the most important thing to assure is protecting my child." Klaus said.

"Klaus, don't. Please..." She begged him.

"I have to." Klaus said.


Caroline noticed it's been an hour since she last saw Klaus and she looked for him everywhere but nothing, so she decided to go talk with Elena to try to get more gossip about the Elena and Elijah relationship.

Caroline opened the door of Elena's room and saw Elena very weak, laying down on the bed giving blood.

"What's going on?" Caroline asked upset and walked over to Elena to stop the nurse from taking out her blood but Klaus stopped Caroline

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"What's going on?" Caroline asked upset and walked over to Elena to stop the nurse from taking out her blood but Klaus stopped Caroline.


"Don't you love me!" Caroline said upset.

"Take a deep breath. You being upset might be harmful for the baby." Klaus said.

"Well, if I hadn't found out my best friend like this, maybe I wouldn't be upset. Now, stop it! She's barely awake. She's human. We made a pact. She will live and give you her blood from times to times." Caroline said upset.

"Well, things changed and now I need her blood more than ever." Klaus said, starting to feel frustrated.

"Stop taking Elena's blood, right now!" Caroline demanded.

"Or what?" Klaus asked, hating to have someone bossing him around and finding it sexy her being so bossy and not afraid of him.

"Or... Or I will no longer sleep with you. I'll sleep with Bekah. She's an original, so she can protect me and our baby." Caroline said, crossing her arms and giving him a look.

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