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Caroline woke up with a strong arm wrapped around her, making her recall all the events that happened the night before. She couldn't believe what happened... She and Klaus kissed. This time it was a real kiss. Sure, they sometimes would kiss each other's neck and things would get kinda of heated but they never truly kissed without being to make a distraction.

Even if their kiss felt so good, she also felt it was wrong. She knew about all the awful things he has done. She knew how ruthless he could be and months ago he was trying to kill Elena just because of her doppelgänger blood that would help him create more hybrids. A few years ago, he was going to use her as a back-up werewolf in case he would need to break the sire bond. And even knowing all these bad things about him, she still couldn't help but see the good in him and feel attracted to him.


Caroline decided to go talk with her friends so they could make her see how wrong it was for her to kiss Klaus, so she texted Stefan and agreed to talk with him in his room.

"Stefan!" Caroline said as she got inside Stefan's room. "It's sound proof, right?"

"Yes. What's going on?" Stefan asked concerned with his best friend.

"I did something bad. Something awful. Maybe unforgivable." Caroline said, freaking out.

"Come on, Care! I'm sure it wasn't that bad

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"Come on, Care! I'm sure it wasn't that bad. You're probably overreacting."

"You don't even know what it was."

"Yeah, but I know you." Stefan said and Caroline gave him a look and rolled her eyes.

"Last night I kissed Klaus." Caroline admitted and quickly covered her mouth with her hands, not believing she finally said it out loud.

"Klaus?" Stefan asked to confirm.

"Yeah. I don't know what got into me. We were there and then it kinda happen." Caroline said. "Please don't tell anyone what I just told you. If people start to hear about this, I might lose my friendship with Elena and Bonnie. Oh my God! And I'll be hated by the other hybrids that exist. I was the one who rebelled against Klaus and made them do the same thing and now kissing Klaus... It's like I'm stabbing them in the back. Oh my God! I'm an awful person."

"You are not an awful person." Stefan said. "Do you like him?"

"Klaus? Pffff! What kind of question is that? Me liking Klaus... That question is so crazy that I don't think it deserves an answer." Caroline said.


Bonnie woke up with an arm wrapped around her.

"Good morning, darling!" She heard him whisper to her ear, making her remember how she ended up falling asleep with Kol in the same bed after looking for answers about how to help Davina.

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