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It's been a week and everybody has been gathering all information they could get about Marcel, his friends, his rules, the witches, the werewolves and everything in between

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It's been a week and everybody has been gathering all information they could get about Marcel, his friends, his rules, the witches, the werewolves and everything in between.

Klaus decided to reunite everyone in the safe house so he would have all the information at once without needing to take time to go around asking everyone about the information they had.

"Let's start this. Bonnie... I know you haven't been able to make many spells in New Orleans, reason why I let you use this place. But I also give you the mission to see what the witches were saying and thinking about everything."

"I haven't talk with them because I think that a new witch asking many questions would make people suspicious, but I did found something."

"And what is that?"

"I feel someone very powerful practicing magic in New Orleans near the French Quarter but without using my magic I can't say exactly where is it."

"That's impossible. Marcel has a strict rule when it comes to witches practicing magic."

"Yes. But we think about it, there must be a way he knows when someone is making a spell and can't be by having his vampires being everywhere because sometimes someone is practicing at home alone." Bonnie said.

"You have a theory..." Klaus concluded and Bonnie nodded.

"I think Marcel has a powerful witch on his side who is telling him when and where someone is doing a spell." Bonnie said.

"If that was the case, wouldn't we hear people talking about it?" Rebekah asked confused.

"He probably has this witch prisoner or something. I mean, he wants to know when someone is making a spell so he can kill them, right? A witch wouldn't do that. Witches stick together. And if this witch is as powerful as Bonnie thinks, Marcel won't want her walking around, so he can be able to manipulate her and make her do everything he wants." Kol said.

"That makes a lot of sense, brother." Elijah said.

"Yeah. I'm not just some hot guy." Kol smirked proudly, making people frown, roll their eyes and/or scoff.

"Danny... What do you have for me?" Klaus asked to one of his minions.

"Well, we have been noticing that Marcel has a thing for the bartender that works in the bar at Bourbon Street. Her name is Camille, but she prefers to be called Cami, she's human and she's studying phycology." Danny said.

"So, Marcellus is interested in a human... interesting. And is she aware of the supernatural?"

"She loves the tv show." One of the hybrids said, making some laugh, but then Klaus grunted, making them stop.

"No. She has no idea." Danny said.

"What else?" Klaus asked.

"In his inner circle, there's one dude he seems to be the one he trusts the most and who is very protective of Marcel. It's Diego. They are often seen hanging out and they seem very close." Noah said.

"Niklaus, shouldn't we start to write things down since it's becoming a lot of information?" Elijah asked.

"I could help you with that." Caroline said, making Klaus and Elijah look at her.

"Really, Love?"

"I took the liberty of gather all the information everyone got and put it in a binder." Caroline said and left the room, quickly appearing with a big while binder, divided by collar and with annotations, handing it to Klaus. "As you can see, I organized it by colors. There's first one just about Marcel, then it's about his inner circle, followed by the vampires who are trying to join the inner circle, organized alphabetic and also by the date they were turned, and the ones in the inner circle are organized by the date they entered the inner circle. Then there's a color where is the information about all the witches of New Orleans, followed by their families, with notes of witches who lost relatives because of Marcel's rules. Then there's a color for the werewolves, which is organized by hierarchy and their friendships. In there it's the information we were able to collect about them and their feelings about Marcel's way of ruling New Orleans. There's also a color for the humans aware of the supernatural world and in the end I designed a scheme that sums up the relation between the factions."

"This is quite impressive, love." Klaus smirked proudly, loving how Caroline was so efficient, then he looked at everyone and said. "Alright. You will spread, see what more you can find out. Bonnie and Kol can stay here to see if there's a Spell our Bennett witch can use to get things moving. Elijah and Stefan, take care of Elena and Rebekah and don't let Rebekah be noticed back in New Orleans. Caroline, we have to go to the Bayou."


Klaus took Caroline to a bar in the Bayou, waiting to see the alpha of the werewolves from the Bayou appear to see what kind of alpha he is and what he thinks about Marcel.

"He might not even appear, Klaus..." Caroline whispered and Klaus gave her a look, making her roll her eyes and say. "Nicholas, he might not come here all that often."

"We can't exactly go to where they live, love." Klaus whispered and noticed the alpha appearing in the bar. "He is here."

"You say the sweetest things, Nicholas Morgan." Caroline said and kissed Klaus.

"I'm so tired of Marcel thinking that because we are werewolves we are a danger to New Orleans. I mean, we could live there and come here to the full moons." One werewolf said. "We should do something."

"No. He has been doing this for years. Everyone who tries to go against him, gets dead. I mean, it take a witch to make a small spell for him to kill her right away." The alpha said.

Klaus and Caroline were listening to the conversation while they make out, but Caroline broke the kiss when felt someone walking over to them, while Klaus kissed her neck.

"Hey! I came here to ask if you want some water, a piece of cake or something. And also to inform you that we have a policy about no sex in the bar. We do let people break it when they are in bathrooms but we can just accept you having sex in here... where people are eating." The waiter said.

"We're sorry. It's our honeymoon and we just can't keep our hands off each other." Caroline smiled, blushing.

"How can a man control himself when is around the most beautiful woman in the world?" Klaus groaned, but was more him thinking to himself instead of acting for the waiter.

"I'll get you some water." The waiter said and left.

Not long after that the alpha left and so did they.

"What's next?" Caroline asked, as she tried to look she was cool after their hot making out session.

"Home." Klaus said and mentally added 'To take a cold shower.'

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