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Davina decided to go to the basement and gave Marcel for the first time in what seemed a long time. It was odd for her how everything changed. Marcel used to be like a big brother to her, he was like her mentor and she trusted him with his life, he used to be her only friend and now she is living in a house of the guy who took his throne away from him.

Davina knew deep down that Caroline was right and that she needed to have an important conversation with Marcel.

Once Davina got to the basement, she saw Marcel chained and very weak.

"Davina... it's you or am I already hallucinating?" Marcel said with a weak voice.

"It's me and I have with me Klaus's blood." Davina said.

"Thank you! I knew you would end up helping me." Marcel said with a weak smile.

"Even if I wasn't here, their plan wasn't to kill you. Caroline gave me Klaus's blood to save you. She thought maybe it was time for us to talk."

"That woman is a liar. She tried to kill me!" Marcel quickly said angry because he was afraid of the awful things Caroline could have told Davina about him.

"So it's not true that you were the one who kidnapped Klaus or that you had the white oak stake which was the reason to why she bite you...?" Davina asked.

"What else did she told you?"

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"What else did she told you?"

"She didn't talk much about what happened. She apologized and she told me it was best for us to talk because she knows we used to be very close. She's a good person who cares about the people around her." Davina said.

"How can you defend her? She is the reason to why I'm dying!" Marcel said angry.

"She's the reason to why I'm here. Since I found out how you used my powers to hurt other people I couldn't even look at you without feeling hurt all over again. You used me! But Caroline convinced me in coming down here and talk to you. So... here is Klaus's blood." Davina said and handed him the blood, seeing him in chains drinking and starting to look less weak. "Why can't you just admit that what you did was wrong and let Klaus rule the city? He clearly is doing a better job than you."

"What is that suppose to mean?" Marcel asked angry.

"He is actually making an effort to make all creatures coexist in New Orleans. He is not being like you who just wanted the vampires to rule the city while witches lived in fear and werewolves had to stay in the bayou."

"The werewolves need to be in the bayou to protect humans and vampires! They turn every single night of full moon

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"The werewolves need to be in the bayou to protect humans and vampires! They turn every single night of full moon."

"Not if they use a ring that makes them not turn into werewolves." Davina said. "I don't know what happened in the past but I think all of your thing about being king of New Orleans is just a way to have your petty revenge for whatever Klaus did to you."

"Why are you on his side? What did he do to you? I can protect you from him."

"I don't need your protection! In fact what you used to do was not protecting me, it was using me and lying to me. You made me fear the world outside! Do you even know what's like to stay in a room locked away while waiting for your only friend to come back?" Davina asked. "I was your prisoner and you made me think it was all a big favor. I am now in a place where I have friends and people do not lie to me."

"How can you be so sure?"

"Because they have already showed me they are trustworthy." Davina said. "I think deep down you're a good person but I don't know if I can be friends with you when all you think about is getting your kingdom back just to make witches live in fear once again. Klaus is doing a good job. And he is listening to people even if they aren't part of his family. He is making New Orleans a better place to live in. You should respect it and just let go of this desire of being king."

"Davina... I know it looks bad but I do care about you."

"I know. But I'm not sure that I can trust you. You used my powers to kill witches! I can't even imagine how many witches you killed because of my visions. And I can't be friends with someone who I don't trust. Maybe one day I'll be able to trust you again."


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Caroline went to see how Klaus was doing and found him shirtless drawing in his sketchbook.

"Hey there! I thought I had convinced you to take a nap." Caroline said as she got inside the room.

"I know, Love. I just couldn't sleep. How is Marcel?" Klaus asked.

"I decided to tell Davina what happened and how I'm the responsible for him suffering and I thought maybe she should be the one giving him your blood to give them an excuse to talk. They used to be so close... Maybe this is a way for them to try to make amends and for Marcel to stop with this fight for the throne. Especially since you are doing such an amazing job with making this a place for every creature and not just the vampires." Caroline said.

"This wouldn't be possible without you, Love. People trust you, they see you as the queen you are." Klaus said softly, making Caroline blush.

"I'm just a girl from a small town. I'm no queen."

"That's not true. You might have been born in a small town but you were meant to do extraordinary things and to be a queen." Klaus said, meaning every single word and gave a peck on her forehead, then rest his forehead on hers, cupping her cheeks, caressing them with his thumbs as she closed her eyes, enjoying the warmth of being so close to him, then she felt Klaus getting closer to her and she ended up kissing him and once they broke the kiss he said. "You are a queen!"

 "You are a queen!"

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